

The Rejection
In a small town of Himachal, a young artist, named Lita, put her heart and soul into her latest masterpiece, which was a vibrant but emotional painting. She titled her work of art as "The Rejection." This piece was deeply personal as it reflected her own feelings of inadequacy and failure. However, when she brought it to a prestigious art gallery to be showcased in the upcoming exhibition there, her work was rejected without a second glance.

Crushed but undeterred, Lita refused to let that rejection demotivate her. Instead, she used it as fuel to push herself even harder, creating more incredible works of art that ultimately caught the attention of the many art galleries and art lovers around the world. Her fame increased day by day and her name was recorded as one of the most important and prestigious artists in the world. She realised that she had finally reached the top of the ladder of success.

© Sunita Pathania

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