

where is my bestfriend?
I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand. I couldn't remember what exactly had happened. All i could see was a knife in my hand and blood on the floor and my head was hurting.

I was laying down in the kitchen and i stood up i felt my head spinning around. Then i went upstairs to my room so i can find some clues of what had happened. The room was in a mess. The mirror was broken, all my clothes was out of the wardrobe and my makeups were all on the floor they were spoiled. Then after a while i remembered what had just happened 2hrs ago.

My bestfriend and i rented this house recently then. And earlier that morning i had to meet my mother in the barkly street which is 30mins away from where we were staying. She had just lost her only job. She was working as cleaner in a government building and i had to depend her some money.

After meeting her on that day, i was feeling very tired and i was worried and at the same time. There was a park near so i went to sit on a bench to take some fresh air and after 5 mins my bestfriend called me, as i picked it up she cut off. It seemed so weird. I couldn't called back i had no credit on my phone. I got up and made my way to my house quickly.

As i got home i could hear noises in my house. I was still in the corridor walking to the entry, I opened the door and i could hear my bestfriend crying and screaming so loud. I ran upstairs and see a man on my bestfried. He wasn't letting her go. There was a chair i took it and broke it on his back and he got hurt and yelled. My bestfriend hit him in the face then he took the broken chair's leg and hit her on the head two or three times.

As i ran downstairs to call the police he came behind me. I had to make my way to the kitchen, he was behind me and he grabbed my waist and he was pulling me. My hand could only reached the knife which was in the sink. I took it in my hand and stitched it in his leg several time and he took a pan and hit my head with it so hard and i was down. As i regained consciousness i found a knife in my hand it was bloody, i couldn't understand what just happened and i ran to my room and everything was in disorder and my bestfriend was missing. The room was more messy that i could remembered. I immediately went down and called the police and they arrived in no time and they took me away to question me of what i could remember and the policewoman told me they will start by investigating the place and then if after 24hrs my bestfriend doesn't give a sign of life they will start looking for her...