

miracles with chemicals
We as children always dream of being some things successful in life and have imaginary thought of being something magical but miracles can ought to happen to some one’s life. Schools and colleges are one of the best place meant for fun, learning, and building a career in life for the future best.
Darrel a teenager from St. harry high school had witness something magical in his life. It all started when Darrel was along with his friends, Danny and Sam- some other student from the same high school from Darrel’s class; in the morning during the science class; It was time for practical. The teaching method the teacher would follow was that after she was done teaching the student a particular lesson which consisted of practical. She would send the students in the sections of groups from a particular class to the laboratory assistant teacher- teacher deals only with science practical based work. Where by the laboratory assistant teacher would explain the practical and do it along with the students so that they can work as well as witness with the practical being held by the teacher.
It so happened that Darrel and his friends were supposed to go for their practical, after their science teacher was done explaining the lesson to the class. They were a part of section A from the entire three groups as a group they went up to the laboratory for their practical class. As the entered they noticed that the teacher had brought new stock of all the chemicals in the laboratory because they were running out of chemicals. The teacher told them not to interfere with those chemicals since she needs to segregate those chemicals and keep them in place since during her free time she was not in a position to do it right and was busy because she was involved with school based activities for the upcoming week.
The students wouldn’t behave themselves in front of the laboratory assistant teacher as she was being quite l and cool all about chatting along with them as if they were her family or friends. The teacher had started the practical class by giving a brief information about the experiment. After she was done she was supposed to start the procedure and just than an enouncement was done by the head master to meet him immediately in his cabinet. Before leaving the laboratory, she told everyone not to fiddle with any chemicals and apparatus and would be back in a while. As usual the students didn’t listen and tried to have fun in the laboratory.
It so happened that Darrel and his friends are even those type of boys who fiddle with stuff on purpose like the others did but they were even a bit more different, they wouldn’t just touch but also try to explore stuff with what they get in hand and so they got hand of some chemicals in a beaker and mixed it up by getting a light blue solution which wasn’t acidic. These boys planned on doing this before the teacher would come back in class but it was too late, the teacher had entered the class and scolded them as usual. Darrel tried to hide the solution he had created. In due of this, he had spilt some of the solution on his hand. He witnesses a very cool sensation which gave him chills down spine.
He ran up to the washroom and washed off the solution from his hand since he was afraid of any skin reactions. Once washed he went back to class, soon it was time for recess and so as usual he went up to the wash room to answer his natures call. When he was going to get in contact with water he witnesses an unusual scene which surprised him to the fullest. He could control water as in he could create different shapes and figures with water. He could do magical tricks with water by just the role of his hand.
He was quite amazed with the power he has and quite confused on how did this miracle ever even happen to him and why him and not the others in the school even after he being along with his best friends all the time. He feels afraid and disturbed on having those magical powers as he never ever dreamed of achieving such powers in life. He went through sleepless nights about these powers. After some days of hardships, he tried to get through and pledged himself he would use these powers for the better kind of the universe. He decided to keep this a secret from everyone that include his family, friends and all his close ones the truth about him. It was tough at the first and then later he got used to the world behaviour towards him.
He used his powers to help the mankind in different ways. He had made a lot of mistakes in his past, but has learnt a through it and thus had created a different impact on his life. He lives a total different life un like the other fellow beings around him. There was one thing which was very good that he had followed was that he didn’t use his power to achieve any goals in life be it related to his studies or job or anything. He had never thought of getting into super natural magic.