

Chapter 8 Bad Dog!
We went about our day as usual exept the fact that mum was obsessing over Alexa. I even saw my brothers sneak sugar into their breakfast while she was with Alexa. I went outside trying to figure out this mystery. After all, it was the only bit of fun I'd had in days! I went outside to the ducks hutch, where I usually collected the eggs. Today there was one! How? The ducks could still be alive! After lunch the babysitter arrived. I rolled my eyes and ignored her. I went outside and saw muddy footprints. "Alexa!"I called "Shh!" yelled the babysitter "you're hurting my ears!" I didn't care about her ears but for the sake of being grounded I hushed. Pitter patter sounds crossed the grass and I saw Alexa come a sit at my feet. She was all clean now she jumped up, but being a small dog she only reached my knees. I watched her run off then I followed her. She went through a small hole in the fence and I looked around trying to find a way to get through. I decided to go through the hole. It took a lot of heaving and pulling but I made it through, I looked around. Oh no! I'd lost Alexa! Looking around frantically I saw her. A small figure running around a corner. I ran across the road trying to catch up.