

When you try hard with all you have and in the end it still doesn't work... What should I do?
Should I walk away?
Or should I just wait there?
Should I lose hope or should I still believe?
You shouldn't be surprised if I give up this time. Everyone has their limits. I too have mine. It's hard to do things that you can't do anymore.
I ask myself... What should I do? But there's no answer to that. Just cold silence everywhere which scares me.
But what should I do when there's no way I can escape.
Will walking away make it less hurtful, less regretful?
Will I never find out?
Or will I suffer in this harsh silence and keep waiting for the answer?
Only I can feel the frostbite, only I know how much cold it is. Will it ever get any warmer? Or will I just remain here, unable to struggle my way out?
Whatever happens I want to be ready to fight,
Ready to struggle,
Ready to find the answers,
Is it too much to ask for if I want to succeed in finding them?
Or is it just me being selfish to hope against hope?
Something inside me tells me to believe.
To just let the fate give me the answers of my questions.
To hope, to believe, to love and to live.