

Sold (continued4)
I moved back further on Alec's bed and pulled my knees up to my chest. I rested my chin on the top of my knees thinking. Alec moved back from the bed slightly looking at me sadly. "I'll leave you be for awhile. I'll send Miss Jo up with a change of clothes so you can shower and change..." He sounded almost hurt as he trailed off. I didn't want him to hurt... But I didn't know what to do or say. He opened the door and looked back at me quickly before leaving. I sat there starring off into space trying to understand my part in all of it.

I was still in the same position when there was a soft knock on the door and Miss Jo poked her head through. "Miss?" She looked at me concerned. She entered quickly and closed the door before approaching me. She placed some clothes on the bed next to me and stood in front of me. "Are you ok Miss?" I looked up at her. "I don't know..." She sighed and gently touched my hand. "Come, let's get you in the bath and everything will start feeling easier..." She pulled my hand gently so I got up of the bed. She led me into the bathroom and turned the bath on, adjusting the water as I started to take my clothes off. Once she turned the taps of she turned around and disappeared into the room while I climbed into the bath tub.

I slid myself slowly down into the warm water until I submerged my head completely. Sitting back up Miss Jo reappeared with a towel and some liquid soaps. she hung the towel before coming over to the tub and kneeling down behind my head. She lifted my hair from the water and put some of the beautifully fragranted shampoo in my hair and gently started massaging it through my hair while I closed my eyes. Once she finished I slid my head back under the water and felt her hands start massaging the shampoo out of my hair. She lifted my hair again and I raised my head back up on to the edge of the tub as she started the same process with conditioner.

She gently squeezed the water out of my hair and laid it down once she was done. "Alec means well Miss. They all do in their own way...I know it's not my place, but they are good men. Even Lucus most of the time." I opened my eyes and sat up in the tub to look at her. "I know...Well, I know Alec does. I'm just so...Confused really. Vampires are real..." She looked away from me for a moment. "Miss Jo, are you a vampire?" She looked at me and sighed. "Yes. I have been for many, many years. I have served the family since I was a human. I was an important part of master Alec and Lucus' lives when they were younger." I frowned at that. "Wait...What do you mean Miss Jo?" She smiled at me. "Not all vampires are made. Some are born. It is an extremely rare occurrence, but it does happen. Most of the master's family are born, that's why their family are the most powerful. A born vampire has many gifts and are a lot more stronger physically than a turned vampire. It's what helps them with being able to enforce the laws."

I tilted my head sideways slightly and processed what she said. "So Alec...Was born a vampire?" She nodded. "As was Lucus. They're twins." I raised my eyebrows surprised. "But they look so different!" She smiled. "Alec looks like his father did and Lucus looks more like his mother. Matter of fact, Liam and Keaton also look like their father as well. The one that was most balanced in looks between their mother and father was the their sister...Emma..." she said sadly. "Where is Emma?" I asked. Miss Jo sighed. "She died...Awhile ago now. She left the mansion to go and study in another country. She didn't like the life here much and wanted to see more of the world before she had to settle into the responsibilities that living here brings. It was while she was away that she was killed. The culprit was never found, but to have been able to get at her they would have had to have been another vampire. That's part of the reason why they have kept you so close. They won't risk anyone getting to you either." I thought about that for a moment.

"Miss Jo...How is it that I'm both Alec and Lucus'...Soul mate?" She thought about it for a minute. "I'm thinking it may have something to do with them being twins. As far as I know they are the first to be born..." I nodded. "Then how do I choose to be with one of them...Why do I have to...Can't I just live here and have a normal life?" Miss Jo shook her head. "Miss, it doesn't work like that I'm afraid. You will have to make a decision between the two... But Miss...Becareful please?" She looked concerned. "Is there something I need to know Miss Jo?" She shook her head and stood up. "No...It's fine Miss, but let's get you out of the tub before you freeze. The waters gone cold already." She grabbed the towel and held it out for me as I stepped out of the tub.

I wrapped the towel around myself and followed Miss Jo back into the room. It was strange how I felt more comfortable here than in my own room. "Miss, I need to ask that you don't mention to any of the master's what I told you of Miss Emma...Her name hasn't been mentioned in this home for years now and it could get me into a lot of trouble." I looked at her and smiled reassuringly. "I won't, and thank you...For everything" She nodded at me as she handed me my clothes. I dried myself and wrapped my hair up in the towel so I could get dressed. Once I did up my pants Miss Jo led me to a chair and sat me down so she could dry my hair for me. I started wondering if I made her uncomfortable with the fact of being human and so close to her.

"Miss Jo can I ask a...personal question?" She continued massaging my hair dry. "Of course." I shifted slightly. "Is it... Difficult being so close to me? I mean...I don't know how to word it." She stopped drying my hair and stepped around in front of me holding the towel in her arms. "No Miss it isn't... Difficult or uncomfortable being close to you. We feed well enough, that even though you may smell enticing to us, we can control ourselves. The masters though are slightly different. Everything about you makes them want and need to be closer to you. The hard part for them is differentiating between the need and want to feed on you, and just wanting you physically. For a vampire when they find their true partner it's difficult. Everything is hightened for them and their need to feed grows stronger as well. That's how some end up killing their partners, especially if they are human." My eyes widened slightly but I nodded understanding what she ment.

Miss Jo put everything away and collected my dress from the bathroom. I had remained sitting on the chair processing everything until she placed her hand on mine. "Are you going to be ok here alone Miss?" I smiled at her. "I'll be ok Miss Jo, but please, just call me Eve. It's something my dad used to call me when I was little and no one has called me it in a long time." She nodded. "Very well, Eve." I smiled at her warmly. She left the room and I stayed sitting in the chair for a little awhile thinking. I couldn't leave, not that I really wanted to, so that left me having to make a decision I wasn't really sure was a decision. I couldn't choose Lucus. He really did terrify me, but I also didn't know how I could choose Alec. I didn't think he would hurt intentionally but there was always the chance he could. They were vampires. Also how would Lucus react if I chose Alec?

I sighed and got up from the chair slowly. I walked over to the doors that led to the balcony and opened them stepping out into the cold night air. I stood there and looked out of the gardens and noticed my balcony in the distance. Is it possible that Alec had been the one to move me the other night when I fell asleep on the balcony? I frowned while wondering if it had been him. I wrapped my arms around myself and wished he was here. I wanted him. I needed him. I straightened up and made up my mind to find him. I closed the doors and walked across the room opening the door to the hallway. I had know idea how to find him though. Something that Liam had said came back to me. 'Trust your instincts.' I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath, picturing Alec as I did. I started walking down the halls turning at different points when something felt right.

I ended up down stairs and close to the back of the mansion when I heard voices. I stopped and listened for a minute and recognised Alec's voice. I didn't know the other so I decided to wait until they had finished talking. I stood there gently playing with the necklace that Liam gave when I finally noticed that they had stopped talking. I stepped around the corner and saw Alec standing there looking frustrated. He turned towards me and tilted his head sideways as I started walking towards him. "Evelyn..." Something in his voice made me stop. I stared at him as he moved towards me. He stopped right in front of me. "You shouldn't be here...I need to..." I looked up at him and noticed his eyes had darkened to almost black. He lent down sliding his hand over my shoulder, pushing my hair back at the sametime. He leaned in and I could feel his breath on my neck. it sent shivers down my spine.

I placed my hand against his chest and he lifted me from the ground swiftly. He moved us against the wall with his face still buried next to my neck. I gasped slightly as he slid his hands down my legs slightly, moving them so that they were wrapped around his waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, moving my hand into his hair as he started to drag his lips lightly along my neck. I felt a rumble in his chest as I grabbed his slightly and he moved his face to mine. He kissed me firmly forcing me to close my eyes and moaned. He moved back to my neck and started kissing it gently causing my body to arch against him. "Alec..." I could barely form his name... But I needed to tell him...I needed to tell him that I had chosen him. "Say it..." He growled softly in my ear. "I..." He pushed me further into the wall sliding his hands up my legs to cup my ass. "Say it Evelyn..." I moaned again as he softly bit my neck. "You...I want you...I choose you!" I felt his teeth scrap against my neck before he pulled back and looked me in the eyes. Suddenly he kissed me deeply almost taking my breath away. He lowered me back to the ground and stepped back from me, watching me. I tried to catch my breath as I looked back at him. "I need to go Evelyn..." I frowned at him confused and he stepped towards me again cupping my cheek in his hand. "It's not safe for you to be with me at the moment. I'll come find you a little later ok?" I nodded a little sadly and he lent down kissing me softly this time before stepping back and walking away.

I stood there almost ready to cry. He left and for some reason it felt like I had just been ripped apart. I swallowed and looked around me. I stepped away from the wall and headed back the way I had came hoping that I could find my way to my room. I reached a door that looked familiar and breathed a sigh of relief. The kitchen. I hoped that Miss Jo would be in there so I walked over and opened it slightly. There were women sitting around a table and I spotted Miss Jo by the oven. They looked up as I opened the door wider. Miss Jo stopped what she was doing and walked over. "Is everything ok Eve?" I shook my head not trusting my voice. She dried her hands on an apron that was around her waist. "Girls finish the food please. Come on Eve, I'll take you back to your room." A single tear rolled down my cheek as she guided me back out the doorway and into the hall.

Miss Jo led me back to my room in silence. She opened the door and gently pushed me through before following. She closed the door and led me over to the bed. "Sit. Now tell me what's wrong?" I sat down next to her on the bed and she took my hands. "I don't know what I did wrong Miss Jo...He left..." The tears started flowing freely as Miss Jo registered what I had said. "Oh my dear girl!" she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. She held me while I cried. When the tears finally eased she sat back and looked at me. "Did you choose him my dear?" I nodded and sniffed as she handed me a tissue. "My dear, it wasn't you...You weren't the reason he left." I looked at her. "He hasn't feed in days my dear. Alec doesn't feed very often...He should...But he doesn't. He has so much on his plate that he doesn't take the time to feed, so when you chose him everything would have...Well...Become more needed..." I frowned slightly then started understanding what she ment. "So he left so that he wouldn't hurt me?" She smiled kindly. "Exactly." I sniffed.

I reached out and hugged Miss Jo. "Thank you." She ran her hand down my hair. "Your welcome. I'm here if you ever need me. I've grown quiet fond of you since you arrived." She laughed lightly. I smiled happily. "I'm quiet fond of you too Miss Jo...And maybe Steve... He has an amazing taste in clothes." We laughed. "That he does dear." She patted my leg and stood up from the bed. "Alright I have to go finish supervising the girls in the kitchen so they don't burn anything, but if you need anything just come down and get me." I nodded. "Hey Miss Jo...He said that he would come find me later...Do you think he will?" She nodded. "Alec always keeps his word. If he said he'll find you later then he will." She turned and left the room. I sat there and sighed. I felt like an idiot now.

I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes. I couldn't get Alec out of my head and I kept thinking about what had happened. The memory caused shivers to run through my body. I rolled over and sighed as I opened my eyes. I grabbed a pillow and pulled it down into my chest. I curled around and closed my eyes again. I needed to sleep if I could, it would make the time pass faster. A knock at the door stopped the thoughts. I rolled over and walked over to the door opening. "Miss." Steve nodded at me. "I've come to take you to the stables." I frowned a little confused. "Master Alec organised a horse earlier for your Birthday." My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "He actually bought me one?" Steve looked at me quizzically. "He did. He said you had asked to learn to ride so he organised a horse and I'm to give you, your lessons." I was surprised by that. "You know how to ride Steve?" He smiled. "Quiet well actually." I laughed lightly. "Ok, so what do I need to wear?" He looked me over and shrugged. "What your wearing now will be adequate until we can go into town again and get you more suitable riding attire. Although I would suggest you put on some inclosed shoes. We will also have to get you riding boots before you start riding regularly." I looked down at my slippers. I walked away and went into the robe looking for my sneakers.

I found them and grabbed a pair of socks as I stepped out of the robe. I went and sat on the edge of the bed so I could put my shoes on. Steve stood patiently at the door waiting for me the whole time. I got up and bounced lightly on my feet as I walked towards Steve. He stepped aside so I could walk through the door and he pulled it close. Steve led the way down stairs and out a back door. We stepped out into the small courtyard that was below my balcony and I stopped. It really was beautiful. Steve stopped walking and looked back at me. "Do you like it?" I smiled and nodded happily. "It's absolutely beautiful." Steve looked around at the courtyard. "I suppose it is. I've seen it so much that it has just become normal for me I guess. Now how about we keep going?" I looked at him and laughed. "Yes, but I want you to bring me back through here after ok?" He nodded in agreement.

We continued walking until a barn started coming into view. I started feeling excited as we got closer. There were men wondering around carrying horse feed and pushing wheelbarrows as we approached. A couple of them stared at me as we passed. "Steve isn't it a little dark to go riding though?" H estopped at the entrance and looked at me. "No. Most of the horses here have been trained specifically for night riding." He stepped in and I followed. we walked past multiple stales before stopping at one near the back of the barn. A man stepped out leading a beautiful, tall black horse. I gasped and put my hand to my mouth. "He's stunning Steve!" He smiled. "What type of horse is he?" Steve reached out and took the lead. "He's a Friesian." He led him out into the middle of the barn.

Steve tied him to a post and turned back to me. "I'll teach you eventually how to saddle and bridle him yourself, but for now I'll do it." He walked over and grabbed the gear like it was nothing. It didn't take him long to put everything in place and do it all up as I watched. It looked simple enough... I think I could actually do it myself next time. He untied the horse and led us both from the barn. "Ok, tonight I just want to get you up and on him so you can get the feel for how he moves. Are you ok with me leading you around?" I stepped up next to the horse and put my hand on his neck. His Hight was actually a little daunting. "Yes... Definitely." Steve stepped up next to me and lowered his hand down. "Ok, I want you to place your knee in my hand. I'm going to give you a boost up onto his back. Now what you want to do as I lift is swing your other leg up and over his back and the saddle. Try not to hit his back end as that might make him jump forward slightly though. So on the count of three ok?" I placed my knee in his hand and grabbed onto the saddle. "One...Two...Three!" he lifted me easily and I swung my leg over to the other side. I slowly straightened myself up holding onto the saddle. Steve pushed on my back side slightly, skidding me more forward in the saddle.

I sat there for a minute while Steve lifted the reigns up and over the horse's head. "Ok, grab these and a handful of his mane." Steve adjusted the reigns in my hands and I gathered a handful of his mane in one hand. "Want it hurt him?" Steve looked at me amused. "Only if you actually try pulling it out. They're tougher than they look. Now...Do you have a name for him?" I looked at Steve surprised. "No, I hadn't even thought of that...I just assumed he had one." Steve smiled and stepped up next to his head. "Nope, he's free for you to name. Now hold on as we head off." I braced myself as Steve started to move leading the horse with him.

Steve walked me around for awhile as I tried to get used to how the horse moved. In the time I had settled on a name for him which I was still yet to inform Steve. He led us back to the barn and helped me down. "I came up with a name for him." Steve looked at me. "Thunder." Steve smirked."Really? Thunder?" I put my hands on my hips haughtily. "Yes, Thunder. He's black like storm clouds and as he moves it sounds like distant thunder..." Steve raised his eyebrows in amusent. "Thunder it is then." He led thunder back into the barn and handed the lead over to one of the men in there. I patted Thunder and he rubbed his head against my hand making me smile. I loved him already. Steve led the way back out of the barn and back up to the mansion. We walked in a comfortable silence the whole way until reached the courtyard. "As promised. Would you like a few moments to look around?" I nodded with a smile and watched Steve walk over and sit on a bench. I then turned back to the flowers around the fountain and walked over to them. I walked around sniffing them happily and watching the fountain. It was so peaceful. I found a stunning rose that was just budding and picked it carefully. I was going to need a vase.

To be continued...
© shiree warman