

 One day, John walked to his uncle’s ice cream shop. When he reached the sidewalk, he caught the scent of ice cream cones and anticipated eating some ice cream.
Sam opened the door. Uncle John had a new, steel machine. “ What is that?”
“ It’s a cone maker. I built it from a kit. You take flour from the barrel and put it in this pan,” Uncle John said. “ Then add water and sugar here and stir it so the sugar dissolves. Next, you fasten down the beam.” Uncle John wanted to look casual, but he was excited. He made a few swift motions and turned it on. There was a puff of smoke, and then cones came out the other end.
“ Is it hard to use? Sam asked.
“ On the contrary. It’s easy to use. Want to try?”
Sam washed his hands with caution. He made a deliberate attempt to keep germs out of the dough. Soon, Sam had his first cone. He smiled in triumph!
Uncle John tried to turn the machine off, but it just kept making cones. Sam and Uncle John put them on the counter, then on chairs. Before long, cones scattered all over the floor.
They tried everything to stop it, but it wouldn’t stop! “ What are we going to do?” he said.
“ Kick it!” yelled Sam. Uncle John lifted his foot and gave the machine a kick. It made a funny noise and exploded. They were both covered with dough*. Uncle John laughed when he knew Sam was OK. He tossed Sam a rag to clean his face and smiled. “ I guess we have enough cones now!"