

Social Media - A Virtual World!
Today we are forgetting the real world in the circle of virtual world. For the virtual world that doesn't really exist, which is just a hoax, we are ignoring the things that actually exist around us. Get out of this deception and see how beautiful this world is. There are beautiful mountains, flowers, different types of organisms, different things to see around us. Watch the movements of different creatures, see how a bird gives birth to a newborn? How that little bird builds its nest? See how humans evolved from the point where they don't know how to talk, how to express their feelings,when we didn't even know the existence of fire? Watch how the farmer grows the grain, how he manages everything from sowing seeds to harvesting? With the passage of time we forgot to live in peace, we overlooked the beauty around us that gives us peace… We were just running around the cell phones and the social media.We have made ourselves slaves of this virtual world.
© aaru