

Not a mistake a big problem part-6 Mountain's riddle
(we saw that three scientists gifted brent artificial intelligence ........................)
Charlotte- I am tired
pedro- mountain ends where is the cave
brent-first we have to give answer of riddle then cave would be visible
Daniel- I am not in mood of answering the question let's go back
brent-if we will go back then we will be punished by cave
Charlotte- hey mountain we are ready
Mountain- here's the riddle
"I will take you to hell there what kind of meat you'll eat, what will be your spoon and what will be your wine glass"
brent- we three know the answer of this because we have created this riddle
All scientists together- In great North sea , lies a dead dogfish that is roasted meat , a rib of whale will be our spoon, An old horse's hoof is wine glass
( cave is visible)
Charlotte- let's take the sword out
( Daniel pulls sword out)
pedro- ichophyos we are coming

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how was the story till here, tommorrow will be last part of story follow me and click on the like button below ❤️bye

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