

Benji The Superdog Helps Roger the Rat (a children's story)

© Tammy Wright
Daddy was getting ready to go mow the yard.All of a sudden Benji said,"Daddy,wait my super powers are buzzing!".
Daddy said,"Let's put your super cape on!".
Daddy and Benji went to get Mommy.Benji said,"Quick Mommy,I need to help someone!".
Mommy rushed to get Benji's super cape on.She said,"Let's see who needs your help Benji!".
They set out to see who needed help.All of a sudden Benji heard Roger the Rat screaming! Benji said,"Hang on Roger! I'm coming!".
Benji flew to Roger and saw he was going to fast.Roger said,"Hurry Benji I can't stop!".
Benji said,"Hold on Roger, I'm coming!".
Benji flew to Roger and grabbed the car.Benji used his super powers and stopped Roger before he crashed into a tree.
Roger said,"Oh Benji you are the best super dog ever!".
Benji replied,"Roger you need to be more careful and drive slowly!".
"Yes Benji I will be more careful and drive slowly.I also will watch for other animals!",Roger said.
Afterwards Roger was a great driver.All the animals felt safe.