

Rising Dead 29
Stone looks in the eyes of Kiara in suprise look on his face and said " why should I tell you ?"

Kiara stabbed slightly in the chest of the Stone but Stone didn't change her serious expression he still looking in her eyes

Kiara said " so you are not some ordinary citizens , you are a soldier or someone else "

Stone smirks and said " just go ahead and kill me girl but I am not going to tell you anything about Kai "

Kiara said " soldier " and smirks and said again " from long clan " and steps back and stops few moments and closed her eyes
Kelly came forward and puts her hands on her shoulder and said " don't worry Kiara , nobody can kill Kai , he is undefeatable "

Kiara looks at Kelly and hugs him
Stone looking at them in confused expression and said " wait a minute you just said he is undefeatable but I almost defeated him "

Kelly and Kiara now looks at Stone ,
Stone said again " so I guess your are not enemies of Kai right "

Kelly said " no we are here to save him " Stone looks at them and said " one more question , how the hell that idiot know beautiful girls like you and never told me ?" And signs

Kiara said " you know Kai ? "
Stone smirks and said " we are brothers , I mean not blood related but " Kiara said " impossible , you are lying , you don't even know Kai "

Stone said " hey will you just shut up and believe what you want to believe I don't care , so just untie me I have to find him "

Kiara looks at him suspiciously and said " Tell me about Kai something that only close peoples knows "
Stone said " you mean like he is always quite "
Kelly and Kiara looks at each other
Then stone again said " that guy don't like Attention specially he is uncomfortable around girls , and most importantly he always had fear about injection or needles " and smiled

Kiara and Kelly looking at Stone in stunned expression

Stone said " so now can you please untie me because my hand started hurting " Kelly looks at Kiara and then Kiara nods and then Kelly quickly untied stone

After few moments stone started gathering his food and water supplies and then he takes his both katanas but Kiara said " give me white katana , you don't deserve to touch that " and looks at Stone

Stone smiled and said " but your brother and I made a deal winner will take both katanas .." but Kiara still looking at him in serious gaze

Stone signs and trows white katana at Kiara , and gets up and looks at other way and said " so tell me about that letter , you can read it right ?"

Kelly nods and said " it's Chinese letter " Stone said " oh so you guys can read Chinese ?"

Kelly said " of course we know 23 different languages " in proud voice
Stone looks at Kelly said " so which school are from ? "

Kelly quickly gets angry and said " I learned from our ninjustu , some one like you can't understand "

Stone said " you mean Japanese ninja schools " Kelly nods but kiara still looking at Stone without a word

Stone looks at her and smiled and said " can't gets your eyes off my handsome face " Kiara looks away as he said that

But again she said " You said you are brother of Kai but has he ever called you his brother ? " in serious tone

Stone said " No " then Kiara smirks and said " then how can you say that you are his brother maybe you don't know him very well like me , he just ..." And now she is looking sad

And said again " in his eyes nobody worthy enough to become his family "
Kelly is also looking at the ground

Stone started laughing and said " and here I thought you know Kai " and he started walking out of the old factory

Kiara and Kelly looks at each other in confused expression and Kelly said " now where are you going ? Do you know where is Kai ?"

Stone said " no but I will find my brother " Kelly looks at Kiara and again let's out " Do you think you are better than ninjas you cannot out smart us "

Stone said " who cares , if you girls want to stay safe in this world you better stay with me , I will protect you " without looking back

Kiara said " this guy , we don't know him well but he know lots about our Kai , let's go " and they started walking behind stone

Time 8.23 pm
Random apartment

Stone changed his clothes and sitting on the sofa and drinking coke

Kelly comes from her room and she wearing green dress and came close to Sofa and sits on the same sofa looking at Stone in smiled on her face

Stone looks at her and then sign and looks away , Kelly said " what's did you just _ " in angry voice but Stone ignored her and looks at Kiara

She is wearing yellow t shirt and black short pant , Stone clearly saw her reveling breast and long milki white legs and smirks but Kiara ignored him

Kelly looking at him and said " don't you dare to look at my sister like that " making serious face , then Kiara looks at Kelly and then at Stone , stone looks away but with smiled face

Kelly gets up and came closed to TV and trying to turn on but unable to
Stone said " hey Japanese little girl first you have to plugin then turn on the TV "

Kelly looks at him and then at back side of TV and said " someone ripped TVs wires " and looks at Stone

Stone said " oh so what now " as he gets up and unzip his bag pack and bring out his food and started eating learning on the kitchen table

Kiara also eating and throws canned food towards Kelly and she started dig in

Stone said " it's good that you little girls came asking for help of this mighy one " and bow towards them in smile

Kiara looks at stone but said nothing but Kelly frown and looks away

Stone laughs on his own joke but suddenly Kiara said " how you met with Kai ?" At looking at him

Stone said in serious tone " first you and them me " Kiara gets up quickly and she is said " answer the damn question or "

Stone said" or what and by the way why do you care about him "
Looking at Kiara , Kiara didn't said anything again said " Kai didn't even mention you that means you are nothing related to him " with smile , she turns away started heading in her room

Kelly looks at Kiara and gets up and said " hey sis please stop " but Kiara as she entered her room she closed door with loud noise

Stone thought in his mind that he said something that he shouldn't and looks at Kelly

Kelly said in angry voice " how dare you , she is Kai's fiance " ..........

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