

An Odd Question
After someone dies, are they still able to dream?

What a peculiar question, that is. For we do not know what lies beyond death. Is it the golden gates of heaven, the firey pit of hell? Do we walk the earth as mere spirits, only an ethereal being that once was? Or, rather, do we just see nothing? Does it just all go dark?

I can answer this question.

My name does not matter. My past, present, or future is nonexistent. I know I am long since dead. I have known for eons and eons. You may be asking how do I know that I am dead. Well, I don’t. But I sure as hell know I am not living either.

Right now I’m sitting in a comfy wooden chair. I’m at my dinner table, though there is no food before me. Just an empty plate and a fork next to it. I cannot move, my hands and feet are immobile and I cannot move my torso. I cannot breathe. I do not feel myself breathing, taking in any oxygen. What I can move is my eyes, and I’ve become so very tired of seeing, watching.

I don’t know how long I’ve been here. Sitting at this table. I don’t remember my death, I don’t remember what I last did before I ended up here. All I know is that I’m here. And I’m going to stay here for all eternity.

After “living” here for a while, I’ve come to realize that a black abyss into nothingness is far better than “living” in this mundane hell. Notice how I begrudgingly use the word “living.” This is not living. Living would mean you can interact with things, breathe, laugh, do anything a normal human can do. But I can’t. My body is glued to this chair and I am stuck, watching an empty plate.

I no longer wonder why I am here. Knowing the reason does not give me closure. I’ll still be stuck here if I know either way. I just wish something, absolutely anything could happen. I wish food could appear on my plate. I wish I could hear someone’s voice. I wish the fork would somehow fall off the table. That would give me more to think about, more questions.

More feeling.

That’s the worst part. Right now, in this moment. I don’t feel anything. No sadness, confusion, pain. Nothing. Nowhere. No one. I am no one. No memories of my past plague me. I am not worried or frightened of my current circumstances. It would terrify me if I could feel terrified. Lord knows how long I’ve been here. Or maybe he doesn’t. I do not care and if I did, I could not show it on my face. Thinking about God now is bittersweet.

A man that can create and destroy, an all-too-powerful being that can wipe out life as we know it, or let us prosper and reward us for being such good slaves.

But, I’ve gone off track. What else should I say? I’m still sitting in the same place. I still feel nothing. I see nothing. No one is here. Just me and this plain room. And my thoughts. My intoxicating poisonous thoughts. If I could move my hands ever so slightly maybe I can grab that fork. Or get up out of the chair. Or finally fill my plate with food.

Or maybe I can scratch my eyes out so I don’t have to see this place anymore. I’m so sick of it. I want to leave.

And then, just like clockwork. I swear I see it. An inch- no, less than that. The forks moved. I swear it. The handle moved ever so slightly to the left. I look, contemplate. And the thoughts come in like a freight train.

How? Why? Did someone do it? Who? These questions will plague me for eons to come until I can find a way out of this nightmare. But at least I’m comforted to know that I am not living in a motionless void that God has put me in for whatever reason.

Do you think he’s simply put me here for being a bad person? For being a good person? For being inbetween, a rather boring individual?

The answer still remains unknown. I must go now and think, but I will leave you with one question.

Do you ever think that God forgets to take souls to Heaven?