

Sometimes I wish I could a little peek in my future,seriously I ask myself whether I will even be able to make it there, the sky feels so far away, will I really be able to reach it
I know I have to believe but it's hard to believe when everything you try keeps on failing, I believe that the sky is near but it feels so far away, so beautiful and perfect. I love watching it at night, it feels so calm and relaxing I always love making my wishes of the day to the stars and watch them come true.
Why are the beautiful things always far away and difficult to achieve? I know most people say nothing is difficult to achieve if you believe in yourself but there comes a time when you feel like all is gone, when you look around you you see that your sorrounded by a gazillions of people yet you feel lonely in this battle that your fighting.
You just keep on telling yourself that don't give up, you look back at where you started and where you are now, this is the moment you realise you dont have to give up because you have reached very far,you have overcome a lot of things and all that will go to waste if you give up.
It is always easy to slide down a mountain but difficult to clumb it. Thats just the law of life it consists of both ups and downs. In fact happiness plus break down equal to life,so there is no way one can run away from breakdown but one can always overcome it. Just trust and keep fighting you will reach there.
#The perfect writer
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