

Adrinette 3
Later that evening,
Adrienne:Mummy is daddy home?(rubs eye)
Mari: Not yet darling but I told him to buy a tub of icecream for my baby
Adrienne:Icecream! Icecream!!(chuckles)
Mari:Are you hungry?
Mari:Alright I'll make you hotdogs and eggs
Adrienne:Am gonna go play with my dolls.Prince John wants to save Riele
(goes upstairs to her play room)
Mari:Alright .
To herself:I have to go to the grocery tomorrow.
10 mins later,
Mari:Adrienne! Adrienne!!
Adrienne:Yes mummy am coming
(Someone knocks)
Mari:Who is it?(cleans her hands and goes to the front door)
Adrien:It's me
Mari:(Opens door and hugs Adrien)
Adrien:(Pecks her)Where's my little Princess?
Adrienne:(comes down from dining chair and runs to hug Adrien)Hi daddy
Adrien:(picks her and hugs her)How are you princess?
Adrienne:Am fine .Ooohhh Icecream
Adrien:Yes icecream for you and my Queen (they go to the couch)
Adrienne:Thank you daddy .You are the best!
Mari:Are you hungry darling?
Adrien:Yes I've had a stress full day.
Mari:I'll make you spaghetti and meatballs
Adrien:Alright .I'll be upstairs (he goes upstairs)
Mari:Adienne, hurry up and finish eating quickly so that you can take your bath and go to bed
Adrienne:Ok mummy(goes back to the dining chair)
Mari:(makes food)

Mari:Let's go upstairs baby(picks her up and goes to her room .Sees Adrien sleeping)
Adrien:(sleepily says: yes princess?
Adrienne:your food is ready
Mari:Yes darling go eat
Adrien:Alright !(he goes downstairs)
Mari:(helps Adriennetake off her cloth and goes to the bathtub and puts baby soap inside the hottub filled with water)
Adrienne:(In the bathtub)Bubbles!(giggles)
Mari:(looks at Adrienne)Oh princess!
Adrienne:Yes mummy
Mari:Bubble bath time is over let's get out of the bathtub (she rinses her body)
Adrienne:It's cold (shakes)
Mari:Which nightie would you like to wear?
Adrienne:The pretty yellow sweater gown that had SpongeBob on it
Mari:Alright darling(wears it for her)
Adrien:(Looking at them from the door)
Mari:(spots him)Are you spying on us?
Adrienne:(runs to Adrien)Daddy,look at SpongeBob (points at nightie)
Mari:Adrienne come and put powder
Adrienne:(Runs behind Adrien's leg)I dont wanna
Adrien:(picks her up)Let me put it
Adrienne:I don't wanna daddy please!
Adrien:Let her not put today sweetie
Mari:Alright fine but if it becomes cold for her don't disturb me.Anyways it's bedtime
Adrienne:(pecks Adrien) Goodnight daddy.I love you(hugs him and goes to bed)
Adrien:Good night my princess


Hope you guys enjoyed this part next part coming out soon .Love y'all please like follow and comment .You can ask questions .


© queenie