

Stop listening, start talking to self!
Its truely said, "A junkly occupied mind is no less than a disabled mind".Those hustle of prevailing ups n downs we r witnessing throughout the day, performing those flawless actions without any intention and those chunks of useless thoughts we go through has stucked our minds drastically. Be it anything from stupidities to creativities we do whole day keeps on maundering around before the sleep time.The worst part is despite of us being aware by this truth, we boldly keep on popping up those stacks of thoughts on and on. So are u really very sure without cleaning ur stimulated chuncks of occupied mind, you acumen is gonna give ur best performance ?Do those stupid thoughts really needs that precious space inside ur brilliant mind???
so here comes the main point -a fight between "instructing the self vs being instructed by the self".Have u ever noticed how a single notification of ur cell holds the power to fuck up ur so hardly achieved focus level. Reality is distractions are a part of lyf.. admitting it as early as possible and maintain a balance isn't evry1's cup of tea. You can't eliminate distractions prevailing around but you can control ur "self" to achieve that balance. This disturbing era demands a programming of ur mind every time. It asks for a talk with self and hold a meeting regarding the further actions u need to perform daily. Setting the mind free from useless thoughts and filling and instructing the brain in right direction is the need of the hour.

so, the bottomline is don't just listen to urself, start commanding urself as out of all the conversations and chat u hold in a day, a chat wit the self is the best one indeed!!!!!