


#historical #romance#betrayal#springjoymichael

"Can I go now my lady?" Asked a woman who karma was asking some questions

After the cheese game with prince Antonio,karma decided to invite the people and remind them about her birthday and coronation day after tomorrow is not like they don't know they do but she really want to relate with them for the last time especially the children because of she becomes the queen, she won't be seeing such chance to play around.

"Karma I don't think it's safe you going out this evening!"Catherine said to her sister not feeling good about here going out.

"What do you think? Antonio"Asked karma.

"I will go with Catherine opinion it's not right you go out this evening."

"Forget it if you ain't coming with me, I will go alone also, I really need to spend this moment with the children imagine how wonderful it will be she said smiling."

Antonio looked at Catherine while karma blinked at them and at the end, Antonio and karma left Catherine decided in following them but lady Misa stopped Catherine.

"You are not allowed to go out of the palace!"

"Why not? "Asked Catherine to lady Misa.

"It is the Queen's journey only you should allow her feel this moment alone she doesn't want someone pestering her there!"

She said and karma nodded with a smile.

Catherine frowned

"Don't worry you will always have plenty of time with the queen, isn't that what you are learning in school now? How to support and protect your queen?"

Lady Misa asked and smirked ordering the guards not to let her leave the palace she walked out seeing Catherine leave in anger she waited to see if she will teleport out of the palace but when she went to confirm if she is in her room,she found her she hissed in disappointment and left.

***Back to karma's***

After the woman left,karma stood waiting for Antonio she waited for an hour but he didn't come

"he should have been here by now!"

She said really worried he only left to drop a child off the house the child complained of missing his way and going back, will be Terrible since there are some children that bullies her everytime she comes out. Karma has asked Antonio to take the Child home since she has one more thing to do talking to the women they separated ways not knowing it was all a trick by lady Misa.

While karma was standing, she saw an unknown creature so Scary and dangerous it looks like a buffalo but it's bigger and wider and heavier with four horns wide eyes and fire in it's trunk.

"Gosh what is this? "She murmured seeing the creature running after her then suddenly all the parts around her turned to one she ran towards that footpath running into the forest the animal kept coming she couldn't use her powers because it's gone and she is down for it.

She screamed Antonio's name but he didn't show up unknown to her that Antonio is busy fighting some funny creatures too more than millions they were tricked.

She decided to try one last time she used her magic and dug a hole which the animal fell into she quickly covered it up breathing heavily.

"What? It worked!" She exclaimed confused.

Soon she heard vibrating and cracking sound a very heavy sound that came with the wind blew towards her and threw her out to the order side of the forest she looked from there and saw a heavy thick tree growing from the spot she buried the creature it grew so tall and thick growing roots and uprooting other trees she drew out her swords and began to cut but it wasn't helping she became very nervous and poured out fire from her mouth to burn up the tree the more it burned the more it keep growing.

She began running not knowing what to do he strength was going as she couldn't run a fast distance suddenly she hit on something and fell to the ground face flat on raising her face, she saw the tree root raising to match her down then she screamed.

"Antonio!! " And like a miracle Antonio appeared covered in blood

He used his swords and cut on the tree it fell but stood again then he started using his magic he fought with the tree as the tree branch held him up he fought until he defeated the tree.


Karma quickly ran to him .

"Are you okay?"

She asked holding him from falling.

"Lady Misa!!"He answered

Karma looked at him and it dawn on her this is lady Misa's handiwork she couldn't believe how cheap she is in playing her games without honestly she looked at Antonio and apologized.

"It's fine now! I'm sorry for what happened I should have listened to Catherine I'm always like this."

She said regretting ever coming.

"Let's go home now! I will call a doctor to treat you! She said"

"No need he answered"

And karma looked at his face and saw that the wounds are healing she didn't know what to say as she gasped she haven't learnt all what Antonio is. But there is a wound at his back the finger of one of the creatures he was fighting pierced through him and the creature poured poison into him.

"Still let's go can you teleport us home? I..."

She stammered crying seeing Antonio down is really hurting her deep down her heart.

"I love you karma!"

Antonio said smiling as he kissed her passionately.

During the kissing, another creature appeared and a wind blew Antonio to a side as karma quickly got up trying to fight. Antonio looked at karma but couldn't do anything as his body is greatly affected by the poison

"Be careful karma! I suggest you run home! He said and some people came and teleported him away."

Karma stood looking at where Antonio was taken out from nothing mattered to her anymore all she Cared was for Antonio to be fine

"I know you will be safe Antonio!"

She murmured to herself and being conscious of her environment,she swinged and started fighting the creature

She fought but nothing seems to happen she started running but the creature kept falling down trees she didn't know where else to run to immediately the creature appeared in her front very close to her, her heart began to beat very fast.

"Maybe running home was a bad idea!"She murmured gasp between words the creature reacted as though it's telling her "definitely it is".

They kept walking round each other and when the creature made to attack, karma quickly cut her skin and with the blood stained on the sword, she pierced the creature beside it's heart and chopped off one of it's legs. The creature fell down.

She stood for some time regaining her strength and she walked away not walking up to fifteen inches away, the creature turned into something.

?? What will happen to karma will she die? Will Antonio die?

Karma is in trouble.


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© springjoymichael