

Faithfully Unfaithful Part 2
I had everything I ever wanted! Loving husband, good job, dream house.. we were a happy little blended family! I tanked my lucky stars that for once in my life things were going my way! Then one day my world came to a stand still!

I was on vacation with my little one and received a message request. I accepted cautiously because I do comissions on the side and this happens a lot! The message was from a girl asking if I knew someone in a photo. At first I didn't respond either way knowing what I know about hackers and such I never acknowledged anything she said was true or false. She just started pouring out information. This young woman proceeded to explain she'd been in a relationship with my husband for 4 years and included details people who didn't know him wouldn't know. (My husband has zero social media ties so she couldn't have found me or anything about us there). She gave me dates and times of meetings, emails, bank transactions.... the list went on and on.

After a brief meltdown and panic attack I began to reread everything she said. Looking at the details and a lot of it was true. Things people shouldn't know she did.

So I went a step further and while this may seem extreme to some to me I needed to know! Was this true? Were we being hacked? What was going on?

I took the basic information she gave me and began to work backwards. She had sent me a screen shot of emails. The user id was something I could have seen my husband using ... so first step was easy enough verify the email works.. it did. I thought to myself okay we have a password we use for everything let's just see if it allows me to access the email. Well wouldn't you know the email worked with our password and I could verify the emails she showed me were there. I literally could not breathe!

Next she claimed they had been messaging back and forth.. so easy enough to verify I checked the phone records. Yup sure enough her number was all over messages to him. oddly enough also I could see the times they were messaging and it was usually when I was not around or busy with the kids/ work.

Now I know yall are thinking I am going full on stalker mode but bear with me....

Next she claimed he was at her place of residence on a specific date (it was the day before she messaged me). I checked our cameras and he did, in fact, leave our house on that date/ time frame. So I did what any person would do in my situation... I casually asked what he was up to the previous night. He claimed he was at the cigar bar with friends. Cool right easy verification there would be a bank transaction and I could put this to bed as a hacker. I WISH!!! Not only is there no transaction anywhere for this he claims the "guys" paid for the cigars and drinks. Further...during my time checking bank things I discovered a bank transaction to venmo, which he claims he doesn't have, to this same female that night.

Nothing was adding up... hundreds of thousands of dollars in transactions from a bank account I could not see... an email with his information but a fake name.. unaccounted for time with no proof of location, emails to Ashley Maddison type services, only fans type videos and services alike paid for..

At this point I am feeling like Alice in Wonderland continuing to fall down a rabbit hole........

I was furious and hurt! I questioned him and everything I knew at this point. He claimed this is a case of identity theft and he didn't do it. Yet she knew very personal information no one would know in the case of identity theft. For example the type of wallet you carry or under garmets you wear or a specific scar you have. Personal stuff a hacker wouldn't know because it's not important to them. Yet he stands firm on that's exactly the case... He was hacked.

So, I ask you.... would you believe him?


© TheBratBox