

To the land of bizzare adventures. Part 2
As the shadows streched across the sand......
Th trio kept taking small steps. It was weird but they could hear the footsteps, were the footsteps their or someone else was following them. Confused and tensed Bittu yelled and said.. "Enough, this is enough, I can't tolerate this anymore, it's as creepy as hell". Seeing Bittu yelling like this Safin and Thomas got shocked.. because Bittu was not someone to who would ever behave like this in any situation.
Now, after the dark clouds took over the whole sky, thunder and lightning also started.
Only then, Safin saw something very strange. "Well what was that strange thing....!? "
"A door, a mysterious one" here it is, it will save us for sure, at least that's what I think' said Safin in extreme excitement.
After turning their eyes towards tha door, Bittu and Thomas were also kind of amazed. And then after a pause of seconds.. all of them ran towards that door and one by one entered inside it..
Firstly Bittu, then Safin and at last Thomas entered inside the door..

"WOAAHHH, am falling.... " said Bittu. "Yeaah dumb you, we can see that... all of us are" said Thomas..
"I think this gate leads to paradise" Safin exclaimed ".
"Huhh Paradise no., no way" this ain't a joke mann this ain't a joke.. " "I don't even have a girlfriend ye........
Oh.. what's this....
"Where are you both?"... asked Safin...
The trio got seperated. Now Bittu and Thomas were in one world and Safin was in another world of his...


His world was a bit weird, it was something strange that everything was the opposite of real world...
The tree leaves were brown and the tree trunk was green. It was day and the only birds he could see flying were owls.. The eagles were flying at a very low height. But, even after all this things he couldn't see a single human. He was already very scared but all he could do was accept what was going on with him... He kept walking and walking around he saw a shadow around the bushes, he stated approaching it.. and only then, he saw that.......

© Megha