

the hidden secret.
there was a family that lives in a town where the impossible was possible, there was witches, warlock's and shape shifters
in a town of so many gifted person, no one knew that something so horrible could stay hidden for so long, there was a single mom by the name of Hanna , she had a secret she kept for 18 years many years back she and her husband tried having a child but could not have any kids, her husband died months, after from a sickness unknown, one night, she went out in the darkest part of the forest where there was said the evil witches lived, she saw a house on fire, she looked around but could not see anyone in in site to help put out the blaze ,she heard a baby crying so she looked around she saw the baby at the door ways of the little cabin house , she could have stop the fire in a clip of a finger but she didn't because she saw a baby and she wanted the child so she saved the baby and hid until the fire was out and made sure that the witches were no more then she went home with the baby she moved to a different place to live where no one knew her and she raise this young girl she called grace, because of how she came to her, no one knew that she was not her real mother what will happen when grace finds out that her so called mom watch her real birth mom burn to death because she wanted her , grace grew beautiful, but at times the darkness would creap from her and Hanna would cover it up because her secret could not come out she would lose the best thing she had her daughter and people would hate her and see her differently, for months many people kept disappearing, and no body was found , the thing Hanna don't know was that her daughter grace was didn't born she was made and part of her could not be changed no matter how she was brought up, her heart was cold and evil, she didn't show remorse, or sorry, she killed without a second taught, she ripped her victems apart, her mom didn't know her daughter was a born killer , some how in the back of Hanna's mind she knew she had dark ways, she knew she was killing people, but to her it was better than her secret getting out, it went on for too long, grace was killing and all trail was leading home and so Hanna knew she had to do what she must, which was to get rid of grace because all she tried to run away form was coming back to her, and she wasn't having that, so one evening she made dinner, and there she slipped a sleeping aid in grace drink she was out cold and she brought her to a pond out in the woods and there she throw her in watch her body went down and there she used her gift to seal the pond , she covered the pond no one would ever know that there was even a pond there, so each day she visit her daughter, talk to her ,she was hurt but she was hurting too many people , now she went on her life and vowed to never do such a thing again....
she was wrong by what she did and how she watched grace killed so many people.
note: all good things have a end hushing oir desires and so the right things.

© M.T. Crossdale