

Stuck in a middle of nowhere..
Sunday..... driving to Evan city... until it began to snow.. I saw the fuel was low and the car stop...
darn it!! evan city is far and my car ran out fuel what and I didn't pack gas cans and food I was driving to Evan city because I was on vacation....
I grab my phone and No signal.... 3 hours later.... the snow began snow heavier the car began to overturned and stumble downhill and landed overturned I got out and saw a house and walk to it and ring the doorbell but no one was there.... and saw the tv I decided to smash the window... in the process getting me damaged I hear the news reporter saying.......
News reporter: Hello people! it seems like its snowing heavier I recommended to stay inside for your safety and also the bridge of even city was destroyed and those people who were outside of evan city I recommended to stay indoors always.... In other news a pack of wolves are on lose stay indoors!!!!
The power shutoff as I began to hear sirens I began to ripped the curtains and bandage my arm... and beginning to barricade all the windows as the news reporter said pack of wolves on the loose well I followed it and begin to barricade the whole windows... I locked the whole doors and I search the house for food well at least it's not spoiled and rotten. I found food in the fridge and seeing a sandwich, chocolate and a potatoes and I said what?! as it begin to snow heavier as the layer of the snow began to stack..... I was freezing I went upstairs to search for winter clothes and I went in the bed room and I search in the closets but no winter clothes and I saw the bed saw a blanket on the bed I grab it and cover my body....
I was hungry and eat the sandwich in half of course!!!!
8 hours.......
I woke up from my slumber and saw the front door wide open... as the wind of snow was harder... I shut the door even it was closed and hold it tight and it open again so I dragged the couch and put it there so it won't open and heard wolves and the whole!!! doors opened because of the wind I ran to the basement and shut the door and grab my phone so I can see... I saw a dead police on the table and a note on the floor I read it.
Note: Don't trust anyone!! I trusted someone and he betrayed me and get all the winter clothes and food leaving a sandwich a chocolate and a potatoe... mmmh after reading this I shouldn't trust everyone in my life.. if they tried to mug me.... So I began to sit in a dark basement..... as the wolves scratch the basement door at least I lock it and barricade it with wood..... wait I didn't barricaded it anyway!!!
10 hours later I have no food and the basement door won't hold longer.... I rather used a pistol to shoot them. instead of being to be eaten alive... I rather used the pistol or wait! maybe the dead police officer had a pistol but I haven't use a gun so I grab the pistol and unbarricade the door and aim my gun but I saw was dead wolves no snow outside I began to get out and saw the sunny skies....
what a happy ending it was but still no fuel darn it and I'm hungry and signal....
The end
or was it?!
It was a dark ending he collapsed and fainted....
In the next day they saw 2 dead bodies and No wolves.
be careful pack some gas cans if there's no gas station.