

My Near Death Experience
So one day Yah warned me about the blowout two weeks in advance. The next week He warned me again. Yah told me, "You're going to have a blowout. Turn the direction of the blowout. " So I did. A police officer saw my blowout occur. I was crying singing Yeshuah on the way home. Could have wound up in a pole but I kept singing Give Me Jesus but I sang it with Yeshuah. I made it all the way home without tire. The tire ripped off and around corner going to my mother's house in the Bluff I had the hubcap or the external decoration on the tire rip off.

Glad that the Lord intervened on my behalf. I want Him to do that for you. Blessed are those who believe and have not seen His glory. I know in the end of time we will behold His heart. He is a safeguard in times of trouble. This is my salvation story about Jesus. His real name is Yeshuah.

This is my testimony of following Yeshuah for years. I am happy Yah yields peace to the broken hearted. He will save you. Just call and He will answer you. Love you all like Yah would. I know I am not full blooded Hebrew. Yah calls us to love other nations with a heart seeking Him. That is my goal as a Christian.