

Born to be great
Why waste time thinking of someone.
Why to stuck with the past when it is over.
Why be sad when you are capable of more than ordinary.
Life is an ocean of knowledge.
seek it..learn from it.
Prove yourself better than others.
Let them know what great things you can do.
Make them realise whom they have lost.
Not everyone is like you.
You are blessed and gifted with unique talents unless you discover it.
Renew yourself with new passions.
Revive yourself with new energy.
To create yourself into a new genre.
To be an inspiration for others.
To be a story to be told.
You are the author of your life.
So write it who you want to be.
The rest of them will be a part of your story.
They are the characters in your journey of life.
Every character plays its role but
you make yourself memorable.
Live life like you are loved and remembered.
Be the Star, Be the Light, Be the guide for others.
Mostly give love, give life.
© Hana