

Burger Break
"Welcome to 'Burger Gamechanger'. How would you like your burger?" a waiter in his fancy watering suit asked enthusiastically. "The best burger on the menu, please. One with delicious sauce, a juicy veggie patty, melt in the mouth stuff you know," I asked believing that this burger would be a taste bud gamechanger (as the name suggested).

It's funny how we always expect the best in people and things. How we hope for ideal situations and believe that our dreams come true exactly how we perceive them. No matter how much life throws at us with unexpected surprises we keep moving towards our dreams... and that's the beauty of humanity.

Our minds are powerful tools. Our minds are so powerful that we can even use them to trick ourselves. Just like the fittest athletes on earth (who probably don't eat much burgers) use their minds to trick their bodies in doing the things beyond human capability.

Hope, integrity, compassion and all those other delicious abstract nouns are what make humans an extraordinary species. We are capable of doing the impossible and capable of believing beyond the stretch of reality. Sometimes life can throw us natsy curve balls but sometimes they can be pleasant. We can either live our life knowing that reality is shattered or we can live our lives in the hope of a better future but we need more than hope and it all starts within ourselves. We can believe things to have positive outcomes but first we need to believe in ourselves. We need to be proactive, optimistic and driven in order to make a difference.

"The best veggie burger on the menu coming up," the waiter vanished and in a flash he was back with a burger with cheese and sauce dripping heavenly onto the plate. I expected the burger to taste out of this world but it was just a normal burger. None the less I'm glad that my stomach was filled and I enjoyed every bite. Positivity starts within your own mind, not in the minds of others.

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