

A Billionaire's Love ❤️ ( Chapter - 4)
Meera was stopped by Rahul who is Naveen' s friend.

He is asking "sorry" to Naveen that he was late because of his work.

Naveen says that is fine!!

You are doing so much for me and "thank you" for my lifetime!!

No, Naveen you are my best friend👬 and I will do the same till my last breath.

I am happy☺️ to have you in my life as a friend.

Then Naveen introduced Meera to Rahul and vice-versa.

Soon, they headed to their home before waving a " Bye" to Meera.

Meera's is thinking about Naveen during her ride to hostel (whether he is true or false personality)

She had an habit of finding lie🤥without any lie detector.

But for the first time, she got confused to find his true personality.

Because Ram acted smart as Naveen.

She played the clip of Naveen and Meera in her saved memeories again and again.

Unknowingly, she used to speak about him for n number of times to her known-ones.

Het surroundings and her best friend thinks and believes that she is in love.

But she is stressed out.
Meera was so keen to stay away from Devil hearted people.

So her mind became restless to find Naveen.

Meera went to the typewriting block for the next week.

On that day, she was in search of Naveen but everyone says that he is not available today as he is not well.

She got distracted after hearing Naveen is not well, during her motivation class for special people but however managed to say some inspirational stories.

After her class, she went to the office room and asked Naveen's address.

They disclosed his address to Meera because she is pretty well-known person for that company.

She rides her scooty🛵 like a aeroplane🛩️ and soon she reached his home🏠

It is a small house with one hall, one kitchen, one mandir,along with a room with attached bathroom.

She stepped his house and soon someone welcomed her like a princess.

Naveen came out of his room to check who came to his house.

But her fragrance made him to find that was Meera

She was surprised to hear her name from Naveen.

M: How do you found that I visited your house, asked Meera

N: I will come to know about every person after their first meet by their voice, body language with sounds and perfumes!!

M: Oh.....ok
I came here just to see you because I heard that you are not well

N: I had a normal fever, but now it's fine Meera

M: Ok....good...
Then I will leave for now and take care.

N: Is there any rush, this is the first time you visited my house.
But you didn't have anything.

What would you like to have tea or cofee or any soft drinks.

M: No, Thanks
I want to ask you something??

N: Yes...Please

M: Someone, greeted me to the house with so much of love and care.

May I know who is that person??

N: She is like my grandmother and a lovely person.

M: It means.....

N: Yes, I am an adopted one...

M: Oh...Really sorry...

N: No worries....

Within a few minutes, grandma gave coffee to Meera.

Meera accepted the coffee.

After a friendly conversation with Naveen, she was about to leave and bided a Bye🙋‍♀️to him.

He went near to Meera and hugged her unexpectedly!!

She is getting anger fumes and about to slap him but stopped because of his blindness...

Naveen asked sorry for his behaviour.I was so excited to hear that you care about me within a one day of strange friendship.

Meera, I used to visit special people and the people who are in need!!

This was my daily routine so don't take it as a serious note.

N: Okay....Meera

Soon she left.....

He changed his home, when Meera tried to drop him on that day....

He thinks to know about her opinion over Naveen.So he acted as a feverish person.

But he felt so happy as her nature is to take care of needy people but her care for Naveen is totally different!!

So, Will they become a couple??
Share your thoughts as well!!❣️❣️❣️❣️

© Fragrance