

you got this Lav
Chapter-6 newbie
Lav and dru were very happy about what happened between alex and jade last week but the only not so great thing was they sitting in the couples only lounge for lunch , which meant lav and dru had to sit together for lunch everyday even when labmv and dru could yap about the most random stuff to each-other but no one knew what to say on the lunch table well this is awkward

Dru decided to start a conversation

Dru: So ummmmm...how's life?

Lav: weren't we talking about a random show by the locker

Dru: you know what! Let's call someone to sit with us
Lav:ok um... I guess there's a new girl in school what's her name... yeah Amy

Dru: In the middle of the semester?

Lav:should I call her?

Dru: if you're talking about the new transfer student there are rumors that she gossips alot. Tell her something the whole school will know!

Lav: she can't be that bad

Dru: don't say I dint tell you (continues to eat her noodles)

Lav: is that a yes?

Dru:okay .... ig

Lav: hey newbie yes you Amy come sit with us!

Amy:oh really? sure! (Approaching to them) you might be lav and dru I know you from the soccer team always hanging out together


Amy: hi dru!

Dru: sup?....

(After about 20 minutes Amy asked them)

Amy:guys if you mind can I ask you something?

Dru: yes

Lav:no he means no ask whatever you want to-

Amy:are you guys dating or seeing each-other out?

Lav:No not at all we are just best freinds

Dru: yeah Amy just freinds

Lav: literally platonic besties

Dru: platonic‽ I mean yes exactly I don't like her not at all nothing

Lav: okay dru we get it, and Amy what made you ask the question?

Amy: you guys are always together everytime what would I think

Lav:no problem

Amy: So do you mean dru is single ?

Dru: yeah why?

Amy:umm are you free this Friday we could go on a date maybe

Lav: no he is like very very busy he has detention

Dru:yeah she's right (dru was free on Fridayand was confusedwhy did lav say that even when she knew he had nothing to do)

Amy: maybe the weekend?

Dru: Amy i do not like you I like some other girl
Lav: wait who? Tell me everything let this drama stop

Amy: I am leaving

Dru: bye

Lav:who is this new girl you like ?

Dru: I just wanted Amy to leave me alone I don't like someone

Lav: don't lie to me

Dru: I'll tell you someday let me figure it out myself!

Lav: okay...

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