

Chapter - 6 (novel)
The kidnapping

Its 2 am and I came here to meet Gerald but I wanted to meet him alone because I don't feel comfortable in groups. But His friends are very nice to me and I am feeling less uncomfortable now. We all enjoyed together and we have spent two hours together.

" So Bella how many days are you gonna stay in Bahamas" john said (Gerald's friend )

" Probably 2 or 3 days" I said

" Gerald will miss you very much " john said

" Gerald can text me whenever he want to" I said

" Yeah I will " Gerald said

" I should probably go home now. My parents are gonna be up soon" I said

" Yeah I can drop you " Gerald said

[ Bella started walking towards the car and all of a sudden Gerald and his friends attacked Bella and kidnapped her ]

[In the cave ]

" She is unconscious right now We have to tie her up to the chair before she wakes up" said tyrion

" I want to drink her blood so badly" said john

" No we have to control our blood lust she is our only key to break this curse" said tyrion

" So what are we gonna do next" Gerald said

" We have to get that ancient Jewel of her family first then we can kill all of them" john said

" How are we gonna get that jewel now" tyrion said

" We have to torture Bella so that her parents can give us that jewel" said john

" We should not torture her she is innocent" Gerald said

" she is not innocent she is just like her family did you forget what her ancestors did to us" john said

" But its not her fault " Gerald said

" We have to do it to get our human life back" tyrion said

"Fine do whatever you guys want " Gerald said

[ After two hours ]

[Bella wakes up and started screaming ]

" why are you guys doing this to me" said Bella

" Because your family made us like this" said Gerald

" My family made you what?" Bella said

" Your ancestors made us Dracula. We can't walk in sun we can't eat normal food just because of your family" Said john

"Dracula!!! Are you kidding me?" Said Bella

[Gerald and john started showing their real face their teeth started coming out of their mouth and their eyes started turning red ]

" oh my god let me go please why would my family do this to you " said Bella

"Your ancestors had powers and probably you and your parents are also witches" said Gerald

" No I don't have any powers and parents also have no powers" said Bella

" They are lying to you to protect you from the world" said john

"Why did my ancestors do this to you" said Bella

"Now stop asking questions!!!" Said Gerald angrily

[ Bella started crying ]

[Gerald snatched bella's phone from her pocket and messaged her dad ]

"Dad I am staying at another hotel please don't be worried about me I just need some space .I hope you understand" Texted Bella

" why are you saying this. We have to return to new Orleans after 2 days .So come back here right now" Texted Peter

"I will meet you after 2 days then. Goodbye" Texted Bella

"We have to keep her here for 2 days so that we can check if she has any powers or not" said Gerald

"Yes after two days we will call her parents to bring that jewel to us" said john

[ Hey guys plz read previous chapters to understand the whole story. And you can follow me on Instagram at _kirpa_bhatia_1234]