

I looked around me. Darkness was wrapped me as a blanket trying to stop the chills running down my spine. Moon didn't appear as if trying to aid the darkness in its duty. And the melancholy clung to me as a wet sock in winter.
That's when I looked at her and tear dropper then another. Minutes later, I was sobbing and trying to comfort those crying on her corpse.

She was so beautiful. For me, that moment, she was the perfect person. Dead. Her face held my heart. I kissed her cheek and let my hand float on that glass separating us.

Her name is Willow. And she was me. Well I was her 5 minutes ago. But I'm non existent in this world now. Dead.

She was, let me tell so good. Perfect!
But I realized it too late. She could catch the mountains and sail the oceans. But she didn't. She died. Well it was my mistake. I kept telling her no one liked her. And she couldn't do anything. She was unworthy of love.

But now I know the secret of the universe. I saw it after I saw her. The perfect her.

It is loving yourself first. Keeping your opinions at the top priority. Living life for yourself and trust me that helps other too. You didn't realize it probably, but now I do.

Perhaps because I'm non existent in this universe.

I was so immersed in others opinion on Williow that I never gave her chance to live and accept who she was. I'm her conscience,her brain,her soul. Willow deserved a lot. But dear living you
Yes you!
You still are existent.
Love yourself before living!

I saw Willow in that case one last time and flew away. Forever into darkness.