

((SEASON 7))

Mia walked out of the lab section of the hospital... she was in high spirits... she just got her pregnancy test results and it's positive... she can't wait to tell Vick...
immediately she walked into the hospital lobby, she spotted Emma strolling into the garden side of the hospital... she smirks...

Emma was about sitting down on the swing she found in the garden when her hand was caught by someone... she turned....
"yes it's me... surprised to see me? she smiled evilly...

" let go off my hands "Emma screamed because she was pushing her nails into her skin...

" ok, as you wish" Mia let her go and Emma fell to the floor...
"ouch"... she screamed in pains "Mia what are you being so wicked for?"...

"oh my God... am so scared.. did you lose your baby?" then she laughed...

"stay away from me... I have given you what you wanted... stay away" Emma warned...

"or what will happen Emma" Mia challenged...
Emma chuckled... "I might look weak to you today... but just know that... for every pains you have cost me, I will pay you back" Emma voiced out with gritted teeths...

"oh please spare me the trashy words... well, am In a good mood to share the goodness...yes...am pregnant for my Vick, can you believe it? "she laughed out loud...

Emma laughed with her" it's just a pity, that such an innocent child will be born out of your trashy womb, born to two assholes... what a waste of creation "
" Emma... "Mia screamed in anger and wanted to slap Emma, but Emma held her hands in the air...

" you wouldn't dare"Emma challenged still sitting on the floor...

immediately the bodyguards ran in and Mia withdrew her hands...

" Miss Emma what happened to you? "Ham, one of the bodyguards asked her as they rushed to pick her up...

" Boss will not forgive us if any harm comes to you... "they lamented...

" don't worry... am fine, stop lamenting "Emma consoled... while Mia laughed hard, Emma turned to her...

" Emma, you are so shameless... so because Vick discarded you like the trash you are, just within a day you have found yourself a sugar daddy?, how disgusting can you be ? "

the bodyguards were pissed" how dare you speak ill of our master... if he's here would you dare speak so stupidly to his face?? "ham challenged...

" it's alright Ham... you don't have to shame the shameless... what more can you expect from a whore who goes about racking and destroying people's relationships "Emma said...

" Emma, dare to call me that again "... Mia was so angry 😡...

" shut up you swine... you have dared to trample on me again today, I promise you, you won't have such chances again Mia, you won't "then Emma pushed her and walked away...
the bodyguards stared at her and left with Emma...
Mia yelled in anger..." you think I can't do anything to you? oh I didn't want to kill you so sudden... but you have pushed my buttons today... I'll definitely destroy your life "she walked away...