

Chapter 2 The Biggest Lie
I stood confronting my siblings, then we all heard it. It was the unmistakable sound of a car rolling up the driveway. They scrambled to clean up the mess while I ran and hid mum's dress in the bin. Bad Idea! They turned off the t.v picked up the glass and threw it out. Quickly I hurried them outside and they all pretended to be playing with the ducklings. Her high heels clicked along the tiles as she walked through the house. "I'm home!" she called, my siblings turned on their angel charm. "Mummy!" they cried running to greet her. My sister winked at me "Mum" she said, a worried look spread over my face "We had fun!" Phew! I felt relieved. "Oh, that's nice. What did you do?" Mum questioned. "We got to use nail polish and wear your dress!" she giggled. Mum's face went stiff and her eyes flamed. Her face spelled out trouble, BIG trouble. She walked right over to me " is this true?" she said twitching with anger as she spoke. "NO!!" I yelled "I would NEVER even dare!" I said solomonly. I kept a serious face fingers crossed she would believe me. She inspected my face, glaring shs walked off. "Look who's lying" my little sister teased. I knew I had taken on a big task. Fixing the dress away would be impossible. When mum wasn't looking I ran in to her closet and hung up the dress. I cringed at the stains, I would be found out! I sighed not knowing the awful fate that awaited me.

Then I'll write chapter three