

Relationship cheat.
Care isn't a formal work cheat, where you can clock in at the appropriate time & leave the office to come back the exact time you planned to resume...
Don't enter Someone's DM to ask "how are you" & come back days after to hear the reply...come in the time that is sincere, or better don't come in at all. It only means you came in because you don't want any hassle that you don't check up, not because you really care. And nobody, I repeat nobody needs or deserves any kind of relationship cheat.

You re busy yeah? Good
You really want to say "Hi", but don't have the time to continue the conversation? Good
You entered the DM to say hi, & before the reply, you got over occupied & forgot. Good
All these are sincere reasons to go on a journey after just being in the DM seconds ago.
But if you do it with a mind that "let me just send a message, so that I won't get any talk on not caring" then you are very wrong. It's better to be rebuked than disguise insincerity as Love.

You want to connect better even with your busy schedule?...
I'll give free advice all because I can imagine those people that were glad you asked how they were doing, but couldn't express themselves, or feel d appreciation of someone checking up on them, because you left with barely staying.
So...what do u do?
Call! Call on the go.
If you know you can't keep up with chats, just call and have the conversation there & then. Though it's not cheaper, it's faster, better & more productive and can go a longer way than chats

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