

cassies dream PT 25
Cassie answers her phone "Jake what is it?" "Dad has ... spilled in to a coma, they are just keeping him comfortable and letting it do....." "Okay,"she swallowed the lump in her throat."Jake I love you. And I am so scared. No one can teach you how to handle this I have some many emotions swimming around in my head." Jake is quiet on the other end of the phone for a minute "Cassie I love you too and I know what you are feeling he told me to go out box up his clothes and things and I can't do it Jimmy's mom told me she would do it for me. Jimmy is going to help me with the farm after I go back to school." "Well he is good with cattle he will make a good foreman." "He is moving his cattle over there as soon as you move the horses." "Ty is taking of getting things ready here for the horses. Ty and I got married in Vegas." "Mom told me. And you should enjoying your win. I hate this." "Me too Missy and Sam are having a baby." "Well that's a sweet thing to look forward to. Sis I am going to go Jimmy is on the other line keep your head up. Talk to you soon, I love you." "Love you to Jake."
Cassie had a text that she needed to do a meet and greet thing at a new western store opening up the day after tomorrow. She wrote back saying to call her with the details in the morning. Her mom called to ask if she had spoke with Jake. She talked to her for a few minutes and then ended the call. She Moon bark at the door. "Where you been buddy? You smell terrible. You wait right there mister you are getting a bath." Ty come in the door "There you are I told you, you were going to be in trouble for rolling in that cow shit." looking down at Moon. Cassie comes back for the back bathroom that doesn't get used much and picks him up holding out away from her "Moonie Moonie what were you thinking." Ty laughs "Does he like a bath?" "Nope just wait he will sound like he is dying here in a minute." Sure enough Moon was crying like a baby in the nice 5 minutes. But as soon as Cassie dried him off and sat him on the floor he was running round the house like a puppy. Cassie clean the tub and came out finding Ty digging in the frig. "You hungry baby?" "Yeah." "How about tacos? they won't take long to fix." "That sounds good to me." Ty goes to his office and gets a notebook and pen and comes back to sit at the table while
Cassie starts fixing them something to eat. "Okay we have a few thing we need to talk about since we are married now. please don't say anything until I finish with my part okay?" Cassie looks over at him. "Okay"
Ty opens his notebook and looks at his notes. "I want you to put your money in your account. You can put me on it but I don't need a card or anything to it. There are 6 accounts that your name will be added to 3 of them are just mine and now yours the other 3 are accounts that all of us meaning Shelly Allen his wife Steve myself and now you if ever needed can get money from but everyone else has to be made aware that you are getting money from the account and what it is for and how much. Also there is a insurance policy which I already had and there will be one on you as well. This is
something that is not a big deal but if mom and hadn't had things like this in order we would probably still be fighting so kind of legal bullshit so there will be paper that Steve will be drawing up for you to sign including some stating that you will not ever try to sue me for certain things in my family. It's sort of a prenup but yet it isnt. Do you have any questions about any of this?" Cassie has the tacos all fixed and sits a plate down in front of Ty then gets her own."Baby I have no questions I totally understand that there are things that has to be done with the amount of money that is involved with you and your family. I didn't marry you for your money so I will gladly sign whatever you need me to." Ty pulls her to him "I love you so much you look tired and you have a full day tomorrow let's go to bed. Watch a movie I feel then need to hold you." Cassie goes about turning off lights and heads to the bedroom and she has to stop and look at her pictures on the wall every time. Ty comes out of the office."They make it so much more for you don't they?" "You have no idea. Shelly done me right with these." Ty flips off the hallway light as the walk in the bedroom they get ready for bed and Ty has to fight with Moon over the pillow "You know he just likes fucking with you" Cassie says watching Moon growl at Ty for trying to take the pillow. "Yeah I know but see I earned a trick." Ty opens the drawer on his nightstand and pulls out a bag of treats. Cassie starts laughing "Oh no Moon he isn't playing fair." Moon moves off the pillow to sit on the edge of the bed Ty tosses the treat down on Moons bed Moon jumps down and Ty slides into bed. Cassie moves over by him, he puts his arm around her and kisses the top of her head "it's all going to get better I will be here with you for whatever you need." "Thank you." Cassie drifts off to sleep, Ty lays watching her sleep for a long time. Before he finally falls asleep himself.
The next morning he rolls over and the bed is empty, he looks at the clock 5:30 am. He gets up and dressed goes to the kitchen coffee is made. He walks the barn and Cassie and Rocket are practicing. He watches her for a while. She finishes cools Rocket down and turn him out with Bella and Vegas. Cassie says "Okay let's get this party started." Ty follows her back the house where she changes clothes does her hair and make up and then they are off to do a meet and greet at a new western wear store. Cassie then has a photo shoot after that and then they are coming to do one with Rocket and her the following day and then another meet and greet the next day after that. The next three and a half weeks go by really fast. Next thing you know it's time to head to Alberta, Canada for the World Barrle Racing Championship where Cassie is representing the United States. There are girls from all over the world twenty two of them. Shelly, Steve, Nina Allen and Susan fly up to watch her and Jake and Jimmy surprise her by being there too. All the way up to Canada there were billboards and hand written signs that said WE LOVE YOU CASSIE AND ROCKET. with flags painted on them. The arena was probably one of the largest Cassie had ever seen. Cassie was nervous as hell she drew the 6th sport to ride and they would ride three rounds this time. The pay out was the world title and buckle and close to 6 million dollars. This girls weren't there to mess around. Ty gets Rocket ready while Cassie gets dressed. She comes out and looks at Ty "Okay here we go." "I love you."Cassie kisses him and rides up to wait her turn. The times for these riders were 15.34 and 15.41. all really really good times. Cassie was the next to ride. She leans down and hugs Rocket."I love you you are the best boy here so let's me and you do this for grandpa." Rocket nods his head up and down and stomps his front feet. They call Cassies name she moves Rocket over to the starting spot nods her head and let's Rocket go. He doesn't miss a beat he swings around the barrels prefect and is a blur heading to the gate. Cassie slowly him down to listen the announcer says fastest time so far 15.09. Cassie waits just the rest and the next to last rider from Mexico pulls a time of 15.10 a tenth of a second. Cassie pats Rocket on the neck. and gets ready for round two. When Cassie rides this time her time is 15.03 and so is the girl for Mexico. It's time for the last ride and the girl from Mexico rides up to Cassie. "I am Rosa and this is Whip we are pleased to meet you and it is an honor to be here with you. Good luck." "Thank you and good luck to you as well." They call Cassies name and she rides up to the start. "Okay big boy this is it." Cassie just let's him go and when they finish and listen for the time 14.98 a new world record time. Rosa rides up. "Very nice" The two of them sit watching the rest of the girls ride until they call Rosa to ride. Cassie wishes her good luck Rosa rides up to the start.Her Her horse Whip is shorter than Rocket just a little but he knows what to do and he does it well. But not good enough Rosa had a15 flat. The last rider finishes and the announcer says "Ladies and Gentlemen here is the new World Barrel Racing Champion Cassie Martin Vandiver and Rocket. Cassie rides out in the arena and waves at everyone people are throwing flowers. She gets handed some Then she rides to the middle and waits a girl close to Cassie age who was last year's winner rides out and hands Cassie her buckle and check. Cassie takes them and then a man with a microphone comes out. "Cassie is there anything you would like to say." Cassie leans over to the man. "I would like to say thank to everyone for all the support I have had this year and thank you to my husband he has been with me every step of the way drove many many miles. My brother Jake who is a rock my mom and all the rest of my family. But tonight was for my daddy Richard Martin I love you and I would not have made it to here if it wasn't for you." Cassie rides out the gate and back to the truck where Ty and the others are waiting on her. Everyone gives her hugs Jake takes care of Rocket for her. They all are going to go get something to eat before going to the airport. Jake and Jimmy are going to drive back with Cassie and Ty and then get a flight from there to home. They find a nice diner close to the airport all enjoy a nice meal. Shelly and the others say good bye and head to their plane. Jake takes first round of driving Ty and Cassie are in the backseat Cassie talked to her mom and Missy everyone else has sent text. She lays her head on Tys shoulder and drifts off to sleep.
And in a hospital in Tennessee a nurse goes into Richards room to check on him they had the television on Richards good friend and lawyer was watching Cassie. The nurse says"Mr. Martin your daughter is the World Champion you should be very proud. She is a beautiful girl too." She walks out the door and down the hall and Richards heart monitor goes off.
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