

Skulls And Roses ( Chapter 2)
Chapter : 2

I changed my dress to blue tank top and a tight fitted leggings. As I went to the lobby , I found that in one table Elena , Clarisse , Ryan , Danielle , Susan and Eric sitting and having their lunch. I searched the whole lobby for Alec but he was not present in the lobby so I took my plate and went to sit with them.
" Izzy !! , Izzy!!, Izzzzyyyyyyy!!, Are you here?? Are you okay ???? Because you seem not to be..I'm completely fine , just thinking of something else..As we were having a great conversation I found Alec ran towards the lift and went to our room. I left my food uneaten and went to our room. Room 248.
Open the door Alec..Alec opened the door but I could figure it out that something had happened to him. What's the matter ??? , I asked . Are you.... Have you ate your lunch?? He wasn't answering at all. "Alec" I shouted. He turned to face me and said " I need some time to calm down and I don't want to be disturbed . And for your kind information you need not worry for me and now you can leave." I left the door open behind me and ran towards the lobby with anger and blood racing down my veins.
Behind the lobby there was a swimming pool. I yanked my top and jeans and I wore a bikini and I dived in the pool . I stayed there for at a maximum of 30 minutes . I got up , scooped myself in a towel and got back to my room. I didn't even bothered to knock and entered in our room and found Alec in his towel. He was totally wet and was looking very sexy. As soon as he saw me and he stopped there and was gazing at me like a I was a deer and he was a hungry tiger. He stepped forward and said " I think you have lost the simple discipline to knock at the door before entering as everyone has some privacy". He took his T-shirt and jeans and went inside the washroom and after two minutes he came back and left the room giving me some privacy.


I took a shower, and while I was getting dressed, I thought what happened few minutes earlier. But the conclusion to my thought were, although he is sexy but he is very rude. I found Alec, Danielle , Ryan, Elena and Clarisse sitting in the lobby and having a great time. I saw them but did not wish to join them. Instead I headed straight to the bar near our hotel named Whinny Bar. There were so many people. I could only assume that they are quite rich. When I ordered a champagne for myself , the girl who was sitting just beside me was weeping . I could not tell what the reason may be for her sorrow but somehow I felt quite bad for her . I asked the girl that why she was weeping but as soon as I went near her she looked at me, I think she felt afraid and got up and ran away . It was out of my logic that , if we ask someone , they weirdly look and without even bothered to answer runs away ??!!?? . While I was having champagne , I noticed that someone was coming towards me. I didn't know who he was as I was quite drunk but I was pretty sure that whoever was coming towards me was a boy ,maybe elder than me and was quite handsome. for my surprise he came towards me and held me by my waist. I didn't had the energy to fight back but when he tried to kiss me someone kicked his ass.
Are you an idiot ? You know how much were we worried about you ? you could.......when I suddenly puked the champagne out of my body. I knew it was a horrible situation but as I was going to say sorry but I went unconscious and was going to fall when someone scooped me up.

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