

Stateless - 2020 (Drama series)
This 6 episodes drama directed by by Emma, and Jocelyn associated with Australian broadcasting cooperation depicts the mostly untold and quite tragic story of Cornelia Rau and her mistaken identity that lead to her spending time in detention center Australia.
The ground reality is people flew from religious countries like Afghanistan and Syria to Australia for a better living condition, and what they do after obtaining the visa? They start to rebuild the same religious institutions in this free, liberal country.
There was a scene in which Muslim women asked the female protagonists Sofie to wear long sleeve shirt and trousers in the camp cause, that will hurt their religious customs.
How lame and pity is that?
I would say this is the most powerful and gripping show portrays the true story inside the immigration detention centers.
The strength of the show is the Australian cast in which, yvonne strahovski, and Jai courtney who did an exceptional work in this series. After watching The handmaids tale I became a die-hard fan of yvonne. Her acting is like a budding flower, where we can see all kind of expressions in her face. In contrast, Jai's emotional acting will take you to the next level.
However, there are few unnecessary moments in the script which make you to fast forward the show. Apart from that I felt this is the most riveting show of 2020 so far.
I hope everyone watches this and perhaps understand how privilege we are living safely in a country,and secondly how religion can divide and kill people therefore,people have to run away from their own country,and thirdly I hope our next generation will understand and abolish this myth so everybody feels alike hence, we can force positive changes to an incredibly flawed system.