

My Toxic Family Relationship
This is a story about how my life got turned upside down and became Toxic. Well it all started after my mom had left me and my dad when I was 2 years old. My dad and I had moved out of Ohio and we had moved to Decatur Alabama because my dad had started a new job down there and so we were living in an apartment and we lived there for a while and when I was three years old my dad had began dating this woman that has two boys of her own from a previous marriage one of the boys was 8 years old and the other was 2 years old and I was 3 years old and btw I have what is called autism spectrum disorder and I have asperger's and when I first met the 2 year old we were playing with Hot wheels cars the ones with the metal bottoms on them and while we were playing I took the car that I had in my hand and I hit the 2 year old upside the head with it and he starts crying and everything and mind you have a disability and I didn't know what was going on but the woman of the two year old had came out to see what was wrong and she looks at me and calls a 3 year old autistic girl a BITCH and so my dad still continues to date this woman for a year and on August 30th of 1997 when I was 4 years old and the two boys were 3 years old and 9 years old we all had gone to Gatlinburg Tennessee for my dad and their mom to get married to where the two boys had become my two step-brothers and the woman of the two boys had become my Step-mother. After my dad had gotten married to her we had lived in Alabama from the time I was in kindergarten all the way up till the first semester of third grade and then my dad had gotten a new job in Tennessee and we all had moved to Jackson Tennessee. We lived there for like 12 years but from the time I was 4 years old all the way up til I turned 22 years old I was verbally and emotionally and physically abused by my dad and my Step-mom and the only way for me to get away from them being like that to me was to check myself on to the 10th floor of JPS hospital and I wasn't in there that long then I got transferred to Sundance Mental hospital and I wasn't in that long either but while I was in there my dad and my Step-mom was still invading my life when I just wanted them away from me. Then after I got discharged from the mental hospital I went to live in a group home and I lived there from June of 2015 until August 13th of 2015 and that's when I met my husband in August and when I got kicked out of my group home my husband and my father-in-law let me come live with them because he didn't want to see me living out on the street and since August 13th of 2015 I have been living with them for almost 5 years oh and btw at this time I'm living in Texas I have been living here by myself with the love of my life for 5 years.
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