

Not that she would Pt. 4 (Update)
"Hey, Again... Mom?... Mom?" Hetta said, nervously. She was sent in the principal's office for throwing her pencil at Evelia.
" Hetta! What did you do this time?"
Her mom replied in anger. It's was a good thing she on the phone, instead of in person.
" I didn't do anything!! I swear this Little girl picks on me and you -"
" That's enough, Hetta!! You will tomorrow apologize to that kind little girl! And the other one! And The Other one!! And the other one!! And Garcia!"
"Wha ?! That Bitch?!!" Hetta whined.
" You will Apologize to the entire school for your reckless behavior, Because I don't tolerate that with You!" Her mom insisted.
" But, She likes it..." Hetta mumbled.
" Are you ok?" I asked in concern.
Evelia sat quietly, reading her book.
I need to break the ice.
" Hey .. What are you reading..? " I asked.
" ... Suicide life. My brother read the entire series, and it seems interesting. There's this character that is really relatable here." Evelia looked up me with a cold expression. If looks could kill, I would be dead.
I honestly don't know what to say about that book. That book was banned by the school, so why is she sneaking it in the library?
" Can I read with you? It looks interesting."
Evelia nodded.
As soon she opened the book, I seen something. Something that makes me understand why this book was banned.
A thin knife as a bookmark.
" Whoa... What is that...?" I asked, Curious but terrified at the same time. I reach out to touch it, To see how realistic it is, only for Evelia unhesitatingly slam my hand on the table. For someone so little, She's strong.
" What are you doing? Let me go." I said, Confused.
" I've always wondered how long it takes for someone to bleed out via wrist. " She said, Her eyes, Staring through my soul, with pure curiosity. She grabbed the knife shaped bookmark. Fear and surprise took over me.
" Shhh... Don't scream, We're in a library."

© Inkdriesfasterthantears