

Being in a relationship with someone is of accepting him of who he is.. Knowing he's not the type who'll purchase flowers for you because he's traditional kind.. Waking up each day knowing you have that special someone who's willing to walk this journey with, one who appreciate you for who you are, one that won't belittle you no matter how mad he Is with you, one who'll find gentle and polite words to tell you where you're wrong, than the one who'll drag that little self -esteem you have left of yourself and that one man who loves you for you and never compare you with the other.. Priceless right? Now! You learn to love him purely and accept him for who he is and learn to share those little moments together.. Friendship comes handy when you know he's your ears and heart in a human form.. You build a foundation of trust where you only see him as your diary, one that you write every moment of your life.. Be it sad, happy and tears.. Trust is built when both of you tell each other your deepest secrets, telling each what the world do not know of you.. Being open enough so to say you know each other naked.. Its those little things that matters, the endless "I love you's" Knows each other's weaknesses and fears, communication is built not on talking to each other now and again but having those little conversations and serious talks when need be, being able to talk even when we are mad at each other, understanding that today's misunderstanding doesn't affect tomorrow's conversation.. Selfless love is built when you finally understand that not everything Is about you and always considering the other party, sharing everything together and doing those that you can together, putting much effort in one another's dreams and desires, working together as a team. Commitment is built when you become a shoulder to Lean on, a hand that will uplift the other party without making him feel little of himself, A voice that will speak but not shout, a body that will keep him warm and never for a day remove that blanket, a hand that will feed him, and never for a day allow pride to take over and let him sleep hungry and thirsty... To help and never look down on him. Be his peace, knowing he's fighting so many battles and I should never allow myself to be another battle he'll have to fight.. To never allow maturity to get in between our union.. To selflessly love and cherish each other.. Everyday. Today I'm gladily facing the truth that I have found him.. My All