

Running Away From Social Media
Running away from social media is how I’ve been feeling for quite some time now. Oh, spoiler alert; I’ve already put it in shape.

Did This Urge Always Dominate My Life?


On the contrary, I really loved the social media life. The buzz and excitement and whatnot. I used to be so willing to put it all out to get that following, though I haven’t gotten much follows. Lol. But still, it mattered to me.

Then on one sunny day, it went south. Where was that zeal, that interest to make the most of my moments? Where was it? I couldn’t see it. I couldn’t believe it was there no more but honestly, it wasn’t there any more.

What The Hell Happened?

I honestly don’t know or maybe I do know.

It’s kind of a pattern that seems to work with me. I get hyped to get something done and I’m really passionate about it but somewhere along the line, my interest zaps back to zero .

The short attention span is becoming a problem. I didn’t think it was a problem before but now, I see, it’s affecting everything I do.

For those who believe in zodiac sign, would say it’s my birth sign, scorpio, that’s at work. Like seriously, who still believes in all that…?

To me, I think it’s easier to blame elements than facing the root of the problem. It makes it seem like you’re proactive and every other thing is the problem. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should blame yourself instead but, you need to figure out what needs to be fixed and get it fixed.

Back to the social media fiasco, I seriously want to put it back in track.

Yes, social media is a bit toxic. Ok, very toxic. It makes you loose touch of reality, no matter your purpose of getting on the train. BUT, IS IT ALL THAT BAD? No, it’s not. There is still good aspects of it and I want to make the most of those.

One of the reasons I’m having so many problems on the gram and thinking running away will answer all my problems, is lack of consistency. I’m not consistent. I draw out a plan but don’t follow through. Then, I proceed to blame the elements.

As a content creator, I need to be in the loop of things. I’m supposed to be consistent with my followers. And if I can’t do that when I have so little gathering, will I be able to achieve it when I have a million gathering? I always say this, it’s the little things. You need to enjoy and max the little things so that when the big things come, it doesn’t suck you into a pud.

I love my work. But, I want to do it my time. When I’m relaxed and not going crazy. This is all good but knowing that time matters, should also be put into consideration.

I’m thinking through things as I write. And, funny enough, I’m seeing things a bit clearly than before. I’m seeing that not only is the work aspect of my social media suffering but the fun aspect. The part where I need to interact with my friends/family on social media.

Oh dear, to connect my WhatsApp has become a problem. I have this image of horror cropping from nowhere when I see the icon.

I don’t know if anyone goes through the same thing but you don’t need to have messages there at all but, the feeling that you ought to say hi to so and so can be overpowering. Is it not? It’s like a duty and you feel you’re not doing it, just right.

I just run away by looking at something else on my my phone. This is the truth as I see it. I’ve not yet figured out how to make this part less daunting and more calm. Chatting should be a way to relax but, sadly I’m not feeling it. Lol.

© favody