

High school Teens 3.
He asked me to come more closer, it frightened me.🙁
" Mommy?" started to call my mom, without moving an inch, he was just staring at me surprised.
"Mommy?" I called again.
" yes " she answered.
" please can I come and stay in the kitchen with you?" I asked, still fixed my eyes on him and frowned.
"ummm... yes you can" she replied, without hesitation I ran into the kitchen then into my room until the man left.
I started my new school and it was only girls school, it felt good to be a big girl in high school 😁😁, I met my formal classmates from prim.. school, I met new friends too.
when I got into my classroom for the first time, a girl call me to sit on the seat beside her in between her and another girl, the other girl refused to let me, she said that I should sit on one of the back desk, the girl said no that I most use the desk next to her, that made whole class turned to us as they were arguing, the class supported her, asking the other girl if the school was built by her father, that made me happy, I sat on desk between them.
as the days go by I started becoming familiar with the the school.
As usual I love to be on my own, sometimes I play with my friends, listen to them when they are telling stories, making jokes, I love the school so much that I always want to be at school all the time, what I learnt earlier when I got to the school is ( mind your own business, be nice to everyone and keep your head up high).
I was sitting on my own watching my friends playing at other end of the classroom, one girl called Grace came and sat on the deck beside me, she didn't say anything, but later asked,
"y don't you want to join them?"
" I am not interested" I replied,
" what about you?" I asked her
"nothing, I saw you so I came " she answered, we didn't say anything, but I broke the silence by telling the story I made, she started to laugh because it was terrible, I love her laughter she was beautiful, we teased each other but she stood up
"so you are leaving me now you promise to stay" she looked at me surprised. I continued. " you broke my intestines" she understood me then, laughing and left.
one Monday after class, me and my two friends went to one of the classroom close to ours because our class was noisy, we sat on the desks close to the window talking, when Grace came at the back of the window standing with Lolipops in hands, she didn't look at us but looking at the sweets in her hands, my friends asked her for some she opened her hands we took, she didn't say anything but was smiling only, I was looking at her, still didn't look at us at all.
" she is not okay, something is wrong with her" I said, thinking that she will say something or look up, but not so.
" seriously, she is possessed with the devil? please I am not here before any teacher will hear you, I am leaving" one of my friend said, " me too" the other one, they both left, Grace was still standing there, didn't look up still but put one sweet into her mouth smiling, I stood up looked at her and left her.
I didn't made it to school on Wednesday, I fell ill, on Thursday morning my friends came to see me, I stood up and begged my mom to let me go to school, she said I was not strong I tried to walk but I felt so dizzy, I went back on the bed crying, telling my mom I want go to school that day.
on Monday morning, I was strong enough, at school when reaching the gate friends saw me ran to me, as we walked inside they told me that Grace has passed out, she died on Friday evening.
" what happened?!!!"😰😭😭

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