

The dilemma of the Uniformed Forces.
Uniforms are for the body but lately they are being used to conceal minds...

For long we've been told but truth be told:
"We're all born equal" but reality is we're never really equal. I feel like this is how it should be and is for everyone as we are all independent entities not a billion replications of the same being.

The different attributes: weaknesses, strengths; flaws and perfections in each and every one of us make us worthy of the collectively distinctive term, "People".

The idea of conditioning people into beings of a certain caliber or shrinking them to fit a particular trait is not only degrading but destructive of personalities.

We should therefore embrace the fact that we are never at par even if we are put in the same control room and undergo the same series of tests. It's just not feasible. The notion that one has to chisel out and discard some aspects of their being to fit in is a deservice and an insult to the human race and that idea of fitting in itself is totally insane.

© Tadiwanashe Chikundi