

The sea of blood
Chapter 4
The weird guest

As the Captain and Mike walk for hours or more, witch felt like ten years passed by. The captain saw a house in the cave from the distance. So Mike and the captain went to the house. As Mike open the door their was stuff that looked old and new at the same time so we decided to take a break and sleep in the house. Suddenly we heard a knock at the door so Mike got up and check the door through the peak whole and saw a lady in bones and fur like no other fur and bones that we've never seen before in our life. So Mike open the door to let her in the house. The captain eyed her and then Mike spoke with a question "who are you?"
she answered " My name is Jany. And who you both are?" The captain anwered " You can call me Captain John and you can call him Mike." Jany spoke "nice to meet you both." Their was a sudden shack on the ground. Mike asked "Is this normal?" Jany spoke " Yes, it's just the tectonic plates splitting up." The captain said "okay."

like for chapter 5
of The sea of blood