

The Hello Man Chapter 13: Versus KHUN LEE
It was the last round of the Tournament of Dark Fallings. It was only The Hello Man and KHUN LEE left in the tournament. They stood in the ring, both with a sword in their hands. When a explosion happened they began to fight. KHUN first went for the feet, tripping The Hello Man while putting the blade of his sword into The Hello Man's throat. When The Hello Man hit the floor KHUN thought that The Hello Man was dead, but he was wrong. The Hello Man started to float, removed the sword from his throat and threw it at KHUN. KHUN cought his sword, but got a unexpected powerful punch in the face from The Hello Man. The punch send KHUN almost flying out of the huge ring, but he got to his feet and ran to The Hello Man while teleporting infront of The Hello Man. He kicked The Hello Man in the stomach and sliced his throat a thousand of times, but The Hello Man just punched KHUN in the stomach so hard that his hand went through KHUN's body. KHUN teleported away from The Hello Man. The Hello Man saw KHUN healing fast. Just when The Hello Man wanted to blast a fire blast at KHUN he teleported away and appeared right behide him. KHUN kicked The Hello Man to his feet and blasted a dark ancient bean at The Hello Man's face which had a tiny explosion. KHUN looked at The Hello Man and saw that he was starting to heal slowly. Then Khun said irritated, "Why won't you just die!" The Hello Man just kicked KHUN on his left leg while a axe appeared in his right hand. The Hello Man used it to cut off KHUN's left arm, it just grew back. The Hello Man realized that he wasn't the only immortal standing in the ring. KHUN took his sword and sliced The Hello Man a thousand of times, but after a few long seconds he stopped. KHUN and The Hello Man was standing in front of each other, looking at each other's face. KHUN asked The Hello Man his origin and The Hello Man told it with hate in his eyes. After The Hello Man told his story KHUN told his origin as well. The two dark beings looked at each other for a very long while untill KHUN blasted a unending dark blast at The Hello Man. The Hello Man tried to stop the blast, but it seemed that KHUN was giving full control of the blast. The Hello Man just tried a dark fire blast of his own. It started little, but got a little longer after a while. After a while the two blasts was the same length. The blasts later send out sonic winds that made the hole realm shake, because the blasts was just to strong. Everyone at the stadium started to panic. The Hello Man then closed his eyes and opened them as red as ever. His hole blast exploded. He ran through the explotion and punched KHUN on the head and did the same blast what exploded at KHUN. Boom. The hole stadium was gone. It was just The Hello Man and the sword of KHUN what remained. The Hello Man saw the sword disappear. A gateway portal opened behind The Hello Man. The Hello Man saw it and he walked through. The portal closed after he walked in.

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