

Dancing Lily
A dance was an art form, whether in front of an audience full of gentlemen and ladies or in front of lascivious losers in a bar. She swirled around the pole as graceful and elegant as a respectable ballet dancer lost in the beauty of her own motions. Her eyes behind the mask that had been closed, opened as her set ended and locked directly with the steely, grey eyes of the man in the front row. Her heart skipped a beat. He knew who she was! But she still continued the show with full of elegance.
When the show ended at the backstage she was waiting for the management to give her payment, but she met a familiar face, she lowered her eyes and ran towards her makeup room. She closed the door and sat down on the floor heavily breathing. Suddenly she remembered her classes she used to take. The boy outside the window who used to stare her. She knew the man was the same boy. Her heart remembers the familiar scent. The cologne the man was wearing. She thought to have a little convo but she hesitated as if she was going to break her heart. Suddenly to her surprise their was a knock on the door, she panicked. Lily knew the man must have arrived. With a heavy heart and repititive breaths she opened the door, but it was her bestfriend Diana. By looking at Lily, Diana asked, "Hey you look worried, what happened?" She replied, "Ah, no, no, (she stumbled while speaking) why would I be worried." Diana with her brow raised, "Are you sure, something must be bothering you?" Lily couldn't resist, so she said, "Diana I met him, I mean I saw him." Lily totally confused asked again, "Whom?", Lily replied, "Tim Button. He was here today watching me perform. I really don't know why he came back after all these years. I don't want to be hurt again. Should I just confront him or let go, I don't know am panicking." Diana replied, "ummn, Lily I think you should confront him, because of you didn't, then you might get back your anxiety and it's bad for your mental health. So just go for once, have a talk and know why he is here?"
Lily gave it a thought and decided to meet him the next day.
Next morning Lily woke up panicking as if she had a nightmare. She was fully drenched, sweat rolling down her forehead. She checked her phone it was 6 in the morning. She swiped through her contacts and Tim's number showed up. She ranged him. Nobody answered. She tried again, still the same.
Lily was so confused, she was thinking after that incident why he might be contacting him, did he seek revenge.
She slept again, but suddenly her phone ranged up, familiar number showing up, she received the call.
Phone conversation was,
Tim :- Hey you ranged twice, so I called you back.
Lily (quiet)
Tim :- Why did you call me??
Lily :- Why are you here? What is your motive? Do you seek Revenge? Look Tim you don't intimidate me at all. Am not scared of you okay. Please leave me alone and don't try to follow me.
Tim(laughing) :- Woah, I never thought of all this, but I think you're pretty much intimated by my presence.
Lily (panicking) :- No no why do you say that? I am not.
She hanged up.


Tim and Lily were a beautiful couple. Tim used to help Lily gain fame by inviting Lily for a dance in his office's corporate events. Lily got new jobs and shows for that. In one such event Lily met Henry, Tim's bestfriend. Lily fall for him at first sight. Oh young love or you could say teenage attractions.
While Lily was getting ready in her makeup room Henry visited her. Henry was quite impressed with Lily. He said, "Hey Lily you dance so well, but you know what you deserve much more a bigger stage than this and ofcourse a better man to be with."
Lily replied, "So you're telling me your bestfriend is not good for me (she smiles flirtatiously)."
Henry, "You're a wide girl you know, yes ofcourse am saying that only. So I can give you a better offer if you're interested to know." Lily asked, "What kind of ?". Henry replied, "You see I own community hall where there is drama company that performs every weekend and also performs worldwide. Oh may be you've listened their name, it's known as 'Dancing Queens'. You can join them. I'll personally refer your name to their manager, and then my girl you'll be more than famous, you'll be a celebrity."
Lily thought this was a lifetime opportunity and moreover she could be famous and moreover Henry is so handsome and good looking she would definitely take this attractive offer who the hell would say no.
Lily replied with a great smile on her face, "Oh why not, I would love to." On saying this Henry approached Lily for a passionate kiss and she agreed in. Their lips locked. In that moment the makeup room's door opened with Tim outside standing in utter surprise and shocked. He was shattered and broken, very disappointed.
Lily and Henry stopped kissing. Lily was embarrassed. Henry just went out of the room. Tim asked, " You could've just said this to me, I wouldn't have felt like this you know. I never thought my girlfriend and my bestfriend both will be cheating me. I was going to propose you for wedding and this is what I get in return. In return of my love.
Lily didn't utter anything.
Tim went away.


Lily could never forgive her, because she betrayed her one true love. Henry made false promises, he already had a wife. Lily was broken and had nowhere to go. Today Lily dances in the bar to make money for her daily expenses.
She got ready in the afternoon because she has to perform again today in the bar.
On the stage while performing gracefully her eyes met Tim's eyes but this time she fainted.
When she regained consciousness she was in an unfamiliar place.
She looked around, their was a photo of Tim getting rewarded.
She knew this was Tim's house. She got scared, she quickly searched for her phone but couldn't find it. She panicked. Then Tim appeared. Lily shouts in fear, "Please, please don't hurt me. I know I betrayed you, am sorry, please let me go. I mean you no harm."
Tim was laughing again, he said, "Hey do you think I am like this, I will never hurt you. I came here in new york just to meet you for once, all these years I could never forget you. I just wanted to know about you, whether you're fine or not that's it. I will never seek revenge, I still love you Lily and that will never change."
He served Lily a cup of coffee
"Have it you'll feel better"
Lily confused.
She replied, "Why do you love, you should be hating me, I betrayed you. Tim you did everything for me in return what did I gave you betrayal. No you don't deserve that for your love." Lily crying. Tim wiped her tears and hugged her. Lily hugged him back. Then she said again, "I was so foolish, I was running for fame, that I forgot I had the most valuable present with me, your love. I am sorry Tim."
Tim replied, "Hey my Lily, can we start afresh? This time with no betrayal."
Lily looking into his eyes replies, "Why is that even a question? I love you, Tim my one and only Timothy."
They had a pretty good life with a happy ending but not everyone is so lucky.
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