

A toxic game of chess:The end game
James:Get down Arki!!!!
Arki:James wait-
Arki suddenly fell over a root and felt a searing pain in her ankle.
Arki:James,help!My ankle,I think I twisted it!
James didn't hesitate.He lifted Arki up in his arms and leapt into the abyss.
James landed on a tree branch growing inside of the abyss and leaned toward Arki to hide in the leaves.
Arki (thinking):OMG!!!!James is so FRICKING CLOSE!!!He is just 2 inches away...
There was no sound from above,so James leapt back up and laid Arki on the grass.
James:Here,I'll bandage it..
Arki:James LOOK OUT!!!
An arrow whized thourgh the air,aimed straight at James's head.
James:What the -
Arki pushed James out of the arrow's way.She felt sudden pain in her neck and something fluid was flowing down her neck.She felt her pulse slow down,her heartbeats were becoming faint to her,the world was darkening....There was a light..Arki walked towards it,her legs sunken in the black tar...The black void was becoming bigger and brighter....Was that...??
Arki's mom:Arki!!!!You were so brave!!
I believed in you till my last breath...
Arki's dad:Arki,you did a good thing to save someone else's life.I am proud of you.
Arki's mom:You are our pride and honor Arki....
Her parents were fading away,and a cold mist surrounded her.
Lord of Creation:Arki,you saved one's life and you died for them.I am very happy to give you a second chance.
She was lifted into the air...
She was in James arms,and she felt his tears clinging to her eyelashes..
Queen Olivia was taken down as Queen,and 1 year later,James and Arki were married.They were recently crowned as King and queen.

© Fiery Phoenix