

Mystry Of A Haunted House Chapter 3
When mahesh the villager came at the end of the village he immediately called the owner of the house and the owner shocked hearing about the noise, meanwhile he saw someone was sitting on the bench in gallery when he saw this he immediately told to everyone and he called police. After 10minutes police came there and they asked to villagers what happened, Mahesh told that someone is inside the house and he has threatened me and he also tood me that tell the owner not to sell this house. Hearing this police told everyone to stayback and they went inside the house with torche. When they reached inside the house they heard someone singing they immediately went in another room and started investigating that room but they heard a noise of door who closed itself.

Seeing this things they sealed the house and they told to owner to stop the deal, owner replied and said that he will stop this deal. From that night everyone was in troma. After 3 days police called panchayat, villagers and the owner of the house and they said that there is something inside the house. Suddenly inside the house one noise came 'DON'T SELL THE HOUSE OTHERWISE EVRYONE IS FINISHED' hearing this everyone decided to leave the villlage and to take action against the house owner. When the owner of the house heard this he decided to rwn away back but villagers were very smart they didn't let him go.

On the next day one another villager mohan called atantric baba, he also said that this tantruc baba will remove that person or ghost whoever it is, Tantric baba started his havan after 4 hours when he stopped he said this ghost is very immotional, this ghost is father of Ram thakur and he wants to see his son back within 4 days, Hearing this villagers decided to call his son Ram but everyone was thinking how they can call his son.

This story will continue.......

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