

Love Triangle

Days and more days went by,Clementine and Kylie were madly in love with each other.Nobody was able the realise,they knew how to hide everything away from the faces of everybody.When Kylie's parents were around,they would act like they are not even used to talking and get very distant but once they get a chance to be together in their secret space,they would get all over the place,laugh and be all over each other.

One other morning when Clementine was busy cleaning around the house,she saw everybody leaving the house in the morning.They were all in a rush,claiming they had a very important meeting with potential investors but while she was getting the floor spotless,she heared a whistle and footsteps from upstairs going down to the floor where she was cleaning.She promply stopped,asked herself if the place was being haunted or what?

She looked up where the sound was coming from and that was exactly where a young man in black was walking.He was wearing a black plain shirt,black shorts and sliding over the white tile with black socks that were on his feets.Clementine froze right there,she wasn't sure whether was she safe or not.She was never told that there was visitor in the house.She looked at the young man who was coming down the stairs,they glanced at each other until he was only left with three steps away from the stairs and that was when Clementine decided to take the mop and continue with her work.

"Hi,you must be Clementine"said the young man.
Clementine just gawked at him not knowing what yo say.A stranger knew her name,saying it out loud with a smile on his face.
"Oops sorry,My name is Austine.I am Mrs Jablonski's eldest son"the guy said.
"Oh...hi Austine.I'm Clementine,the helper of this house.Your parents and Kylie didn't mention that they were incomplete all along"said Clementine.
"Like they didn't mention that you have a cute bright face,it seems like I'm going to enjoy having you here"said Austine.
"What do you mean?I'm hired to be a maid"said Clementine.
"Never mind,it's nothing personal.I hope you like it here because the entire family is really happy to have you here"said Austine.
"I'm happy to hear that.They are good people"said Clementine.
Austine gave his eyes a chance to explore the face of the beautiful lady he was standing in front of then after moved to another room where he was actually going.

Later that day,Clementine found strange things happening to her.That was so fast,she wasn't looking into anything like that very soon.Infact she never axpected it to happen.Everytime when she turned to see who was behind her,she would always find Austine starring at her attentively.She tried to keep quite and act as if nothing is happening but still Austine wouldn't stop what he was doing.He seemed to enjoy because he would follow Clementine every room she was working in and he did all that just to get a chance to stare at her.Two times,he asked Clementine to bring her a glass of whiskey and when she handed it over to him,he would fastly extend his hand before Clementine could put it on the table so that he gets a chance to touch her palm.When he did that they would both pause and look at each other for seconds until Clementine decides to move away.The second time such thing happened,was when Kykie walked in the room they were in and found them looking at each other like that.

Clementine's mind was starting to be all over the place.She was aware that Austine was attracted to her,she saw how he looked at her.She knew the guy was in love with her but she found it abashing that brothers were all in love with her,it didn't exite her,not even a little.She couldn't stop thinking how was it going to be like when Austine finds out that she is dating his little brother.Was he going to get jealous and ruin it for them?those were the questions she was asking herself.Little did she know that what was going to be a threat to their relationship was not Austine but was something very big than than.There were still tangled secrets knotted over tangled emotions.The relationship had a very thin linning of truthful intentions,emotions had lead everything forward.

Late that night,Kylie went to Clementine's cottage.He hadn't spent a lot of time with her lately.He was very busy with work and in the morning before he left,he promised to come over the cottage at night to watch series with her.After he got inside,they hugged for a while before they made themselves comfortable on their favourite chair.
"When I walked into the sitting room today,I found you and Austine alone,you really looked uncomfortable what was it about?"asked Kylie.
Words choked Clementine.She didn't know what to say.She hadn't had an explanation prepared yet.
"Um...no...I...I was okay,it's just that I was a bit scared working around a person I don't even know plus you never mentioned that you have a brother living together with you in the house"said Clementine.
"It slipped out of my mind but don't worry,you will get used to Austine.He is a very cool guy"said Kylie as he kissesd Clementine's forehead and threw himself on a sofa.Clementine followed and lied on his chest.They wanted their favourite series,until they fell asleep into each other's hands.


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