

A life with similar routines on daily bases must be boring and probably not worthy 0f emulation. The human being was created with one of the greatest things known to man; actually one that even the celestial envy and will jump at it with the slightest opportunity. Free will looks cheap but is actually the most responsible activity ever given to man.

To choose one decision from another is not one that most species on the globe enjoy doing. Most just go in for the kill if need be. No consideration is given to necessity or amusement, the impulse is just to act. Humanity on the other has to take into consideration, the most important need or perhaps the survival of anothe race for some serious and drastic decisions to be made.

War does not emanate from vacuums and the saying that "there is no smoke without fire must surely ring a bell at the moment ". We live in a century where the impulse to pick up arms against another sovereign state is very rear. Yet this is happening before us. There are times for hard choices and times for immense and tremendous diplomacy. It is our prerogative as the greatest species ever to walk on the planet earth, to know these times, ear mark them and never let them take the best out of us. Because as the greatest species we usually stand the chance to go back and rewrite history. Yes the experience might not be the same but the effect surely does orders well for all.

To do same things always is therefore to say before God and man that we aren't worth the task. For what the maker makes does not fall short of His glory. Thus circumstances may change but the will and power enshrined by the gifts of the holy spirit never ceases to bring forth that which was meant to be. Thus says the Lord God, my words will never return to me void until work is done. Thus even in the midst of free will, we dearly cherish that which comes to forth.

So, can we emphasize the point that boredom and living in anguish and pain towards oneself and neighbor is a choice? We could say yes and no depending on where we stand in this present moment. Since this not about yes and no, let's put emphasis on the living in the moment. That is here and now, are we really all by ourselves, enjoying every second that passes us by or one breath is with us and the next another. To be same always and perhaps carrying on with the same routine in on daily bases and still find joy in it is not by another's making but yours and yours only.
