

Horsey horsey hippity hop.
We huddled in the furthest corner of the compound whispering about our boyfriends! I was just over five years old while the others were seven or eight years old.
"Everybody has a boyfriend!" announced Rita the eldest of them.
"How dyu know?"quipped Lina
"oh she knows everything"
remarked Annie.
While I went on listening, my eyes shifting from one face to the next in apprehension..
while they shook their heads vehemently like wise sages
"Even if you don't have just pray to St. Valentine and he'll bring you one"said Wilma smugly.
"What about you Priya?dyu have a bf?"asked Mona poking her finger at me.
"Er... of course" I said bravely.
"c'mon tell us" they chorused.
I was utterly nonplussed and flummoxed. I was thinking hard, whose name to take? Should I tell them about the boy from Don Bosco? he had such a sweet smile as he went on dancing with the other boys of his school to the tunes of Horsey horsey hippity hop...with a sword in hand.
It was Pope's Day and all the schools had congregated for Inter- school dance competition at the Church Ground.
"C'mon what's his name ?" she asked again.
"I don't know !"I said
"So silly he's not your bf then!"
"Can't he be my bf?"
"No!" They turned away from me in their childish hauteur leaving me feeling small and inadequate."But I like him....!

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