

My first cassette player
I remember my first cassette tape player
I was eight or nine years old
It was a black single tape player
With AM/FM radio
I remember the very first two cassettes
Beach Boys Greatest Hits
Billy Joel Greatest Hits if I recall correctly
I played the two tapes constantly
Music took me to a relaxed state
I began collecting tapes over the years
I grew up listening to country music
And stuff like Elvis from my mother
Early eighties I began listening to pop music
Duran Duran Men without Hats
My brother had a record collection
It was heavy metal from the eighties
I was always borrowing them
Motley Crue Wasp Kiss
I began listening to more of that stuff
Late eighties I discovered heavier music
Metallica was the main group
Around early nineties I heard a song called Sober  by a group called Tool ...Amazing song
Then the nineties was also grunge
Immediately I fell in love with that
Nirvana Soundgarden Pearl Jam
I shouldn't forget rap since the eighties
Which i also enjoyed
Beastie Boys was my favourite
Today I listen to all kinds of music
From A to Z
I love to hear a song from the sixties
Then the next song would be from present day

Music has been a friend to me for decades

© blackbear