

Foot Steps Of An Addict.
Stop judging addicts. You don't know their story or what they been through. Not all childhoods are beautiful. There are kids out there that live in hell everyday. Getting beat, ignored, yelled at, and laughed at. How would you feel if you were 8 years old forced to wear dirty clothes to school because your parents were to busy to provide u with clean clothes? Then going to school and getting laughed at all day because of it only to come home and see both parents passed out drunk leaving u to fend for yourself. Going to bed hungry because the only thing in the house to eat is dry stale cereal? If you grew up like this I am sure similar patterns would be repeated. The addict don't want to live that way, they are taught to live that way! I wish law enforcement agencies would recognize that drug and alcohol abuse is a mental illness, not a criminal act.
© chrystal diehl