


Ever wondered the meaning behind

the black colour?

I have heard and seen so many people

(including people with the colour)

shying away from black because of the

negative impressions attributed to it,

such as being evil and dangerous.

The thing about black is that, it is not

just a colour we see everyday in both

humans, animals or things, it is much

more than that. Black represents a

symbol of power and mystery, strength

and authority. Black also possess a

positive vibe and shows lot of energy.

Black is sophisticated and it's just

admirable and classy when chosen as a

colour for our clothing.

Looking back to the world black

history, we have so many records of

black men and women who were

slaves but emerged as warriors,

survivors and leaders/rulers. What

does this tell us? Yes that black is

beautiful, bold,strong and


For us Africans, black is our heritage,

it is our culture and it's our tradition,

black cannot in any way be compared

to any other colour. We survived the

pains, the bruises, the whipping and

the sufferings..they only made us


If you've got the black skin,then love

it, cherish it and appreciate it because

there is nothing so wonderful than

that colour. See it as your root and be

proud of it.

I am proud to be a black despite my

skin colour,because I was born

black...I love being black!

© Nma Elinwa